Tutorial by Examples: c

Highcharts.setOptions({ lang: { loading: '加载中...', months: ['1月', '2月', '3月', '4月', '5月', '6月', '7月','8月', '9月', '10月', '11月', '12月'], shortMonths: ['1月', '2月', '3月', '4月', '5月', '6月', '7月','8月', '9月', '10月', '11月', '12月'], weekdays: ['星期日', '...
Highcharts.setOptions({ lang: { contextButtonTitle: "Menú contextual del diagrama", decimalPoint: ",", downloadJPEG: "Desa com a imatge JPEG", downloadPDF: "Desa com a document PDF", downloa...
Highcharts.setOptions({ lang: { loading: 'Načítavam...', months: ['Január', 'Február', 'Marec', 'Apríl', 'Máj', 'Jún', 'Júl', 'August', 'September', 'Október', 'November', 'December'], weekdays: ['Nedeľa', 'Pondelok', 'Utorok', 'Streda', 'Štvrtok', 'Piatok...
An XML document can contain a DTD. DTD stands for Document Type Declaration. A DTD begins with <!DOCTYPE root-element-name > where doc-element-name must match the name of the so-called document element (the one element at the top-level). <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE doc...
int main (void) { const int foo_readonly = 10; int *foo_ptr; foo_ptr = (int *)&foo_readonly; /* (1) This casts away the const qualifier */ *foo_ptr = 20; /* This is undefined behavior */ return 0; } Quoting ISO/IEC 9899:201x, section 6.7.3 §2: If an attempt i...
Add-ons: Firefox add-ons are generally grouped into Extensions, and then "other types" of Firefox add-ons. Extensions Extensions allow Firefox to be customized by adding to or modifying the functionality of Firefox. Some of the types of things which can be done with extensions include:...
Format strings may contain named placeholders that are interpolated using keyword arguments to format. Using a dictionary (Python 2.x) >>> data = {'first': 'Hodor', 'last': 'Hodor!'} >>> '{first} {last}'.format(**data) 'Hodor Hodor!' Using a dictionary (Python 3.2+) >&gt...
installing npm install web-component-tester --save-dev setting up wct.conf.js module.exports = { verbose: true, plugins: { local: { browsers: ['chrome'] } } }; running node node_modules/web-component-tester/bin/wct test/index.html <html...
A variable declared constexpr is implicitly const and its value may be used as a constant expression. Comparison with #define A constexpr is type-safe replacement for #define based compile-time expressions. With constexpr the compile-time evaluated expression is replaced with the result. For examp...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Configuration> <Appenders> <Console name="STDOUT" target="SYSTEM_OUT"> <PatternLayout pattern="%d %-5p [%t] %C{2} %m%n"/> </Console> </Appenders&gt...
Window functions are used to do operations(generally aggregation) on a set of rows collectively called as window. Window functions work in Spark 1.4 or later. Window functions provides more operations then the built-in functions or UDFs, such as substr or round (extensively used before Spark 1.4). W...
By default the Custom Tool property for a VB resource file is VbMyResourcesResXFileCodeGenerator. However, with this code generator the view (XAML) will not be able to access the resources. To solve this problem add Public before the Custom Tool property value. To select the Resources.resx file in ...
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication2.MainWindow" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008" xmlns:mc=&...
Open the resource file by double clicking it. Change the Access Modifier to "Public".
Bean1 @ManagedBean @ViewScoped public class Bean1 implements Serializable { /** * Just takes the given param, sets it into flash context and redirects to * page2 * * @param inputValue * @return */ public String goPage2(String inputValue) { ...
Sometimes you might accidentally run something in the shell that ends up waiting forever, and thus blocking the shell: iex(2)> receive do _ -> :stuck end In that case, press Ctrl-g. You'll see: User switch command Enter these commands in order: k (to kill the shell process) s (to st...
Computed observables are functions that can "watch" or "react" to other observables on the view model. The following example shows how you would display the total number of users and the average age. Note: The example below can also make use of pureComputed() (introduced in v3....
In order to add Firebase Crash Reporting to your app, perform the following steps: Create an app on the Firebase Console here. Copy the google-services.json file from your project into your in app/ directory. Add the following rules to your root-level build.gradle file in order to inc...
You can return an anonymous object from your function public static object FunctionWithUnknowReturnValues () { /// anonymous object return new { a = 1, b = 2 }; } And assign the result to a dynamic object and read the values in it. /// dynamic object dynamic x = FunctionWithUnknowR...
You might want to use it when parsing DateTimes from different cultures (languages), following example parses Dutch date. DateTime dateResult; var dutchDateString = "31 oktober 1999 04:20"; var dutchCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("nl-NL"); DateTime.TryParse(dutch...

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