Tutorial by Examples: al

Compares two values for equality. It can compare strings, integers, and Boolean values only. Assert.AreEqual(documentElement.LocalName, "xamlControls", "Xaml files must have a root node named 'xamlControls'.");
First download anaconda from the Continuum site. Either via the graphical installer (Windows/OSX) or running a shell script (OSX/Linux). This includes pandas! If you don't want the 150 packages conveniently bundled in anaconda, you can install miniconda. Either via the graphical installer (Window...
Installing Jasmine standalone Download the latest Jasmine release from the Jasmine release page: Running Jasmine locally Run Jasmine in the browser by downloading the zip file, extracting it, the referencing the files as follows: <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png&qu...
Detailed instructions on getting Zend Framework 2 set up or installed. There are various ways of installing the framework. Below are some of them: Using Composer - Recommended way Assuming composer is installed on the target box. To install a skeleton MVC application, run in your terminal to crea...
JavaScript has four different equality comparison operations. SameValue It returns true if both operands belong to the same Type and are the same value. Note: the value of an object is a reference. You can use this comparison algorithm via Object.is (ECMAScript 6). Examples: Object.is(1, 1); ...
git fetch git reset --hard origin/master Beware: While commits discarded using reset --hard can be recovered using reflog and reset, uncommitted changes are deleted forever. Change origin and master to the remote and branch you want to forcibly pull to, respectively, if they are named different...
In the Web App blade of the Azure Portal, click All settings > WebJobs to show the WebJobs blade: Click Add. The Add WebJob dialog appears. Under Name, provide a name for the WebJob. The name must start with a letter or a number and cannot contain any special characters other than...
composer require laravel/socialite This installation assumes you're using Composer for managing your dependencies with Laravel, which is a great way to deal with it.
public function facebook() { return $this->socialite->driver('facebook')->stateless()->redirect()->getTargetUrl(); } This will return the URL that the consumer of the API must provide to the end user to get authorization from Facebook.
Usually we want to separate the creation of the dialog from its appearance. Then three steps are needed. Create base element <div id="dialog" title="Basic dialog"> <p>This is the default dialog which is useful for displaying information. The dialog window can...
The notation 'thing is equal to (quote thing). The reader will do the expansion: > (read-from-string "'a") (QUOTE A) Quoting is used to prevent further evaluation. The quoted object evaluates to itself. > 'a A > (eval '+ 1 2) 3
docker exec -it <container id> /bin/bash It is common to log in an already running container to make some quick tests or see what the application is doing. Often it denotes bad container use practices due to logs and changed files should be placed in volumes. This example allows us log in the...
// Using Visual Format Language requires a special look-up dictionary of names<->views. var views = new NSDictionary( nameof(someLabel), someLabel, nameof(anotherLabel), anotherLabel, nameof(oneMoreLabel), oneMoreLabel ); // It can also take a look-up dictionary for metrics (...
It is possible to mount a host directory to a specific path in your container using the -v or --volume command line option. The following example will mount /etc on the host to /mnt/etc in the container: (on linux) docker run -v "/etc:/mnt/etc" alpine cat /mnt/etc/passwd (on windows) do...
A global publication does not possess a name and does not require a subscription from the connected client and therefore it is available to the connected client as soon as the client connects to the server. To achieve this, one simply names the publication as null like so Meteor.publish(null, func...
Maven <dependency> <groupId>ch.acra</groupId> <artifactId>acra</artifactId> <version>4.9.2</version> <type>aar</type> </dependency> Gradle compile 'ch.acra:acra:4.9.2'
Reactive Extensions are published on both NuGet and MyGet. Installing and using them is therefore the same as any other NuGet package: Install-Package System.Reactive NB package names changed between v2 and v3. See the README on Github for more info Breaking changes The NuGet packages have...
views.py: from django.http import HttpResponse from django.views.generic import View class MyView(View): def get(self, request): # <view logic> return HttpResponse('result') urls.py: from django.conf.urls import url from myapp.views import MyView urlpatterns...
You may need to expand or shrink your pointer storage space after you have allocated memory to it. The void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size) function deallocates the old object pointed to by ptr and returns a pointer to an object that has the size specified by size. ptr is the pointer to a memory b...
git difftool -t meld --dir-diff will show the working directory changes. Alternatively, git difftool -t meld --dir-diff [COMMIT_A] [COMMIT_B] will show the differences between 2 specific commits.

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