Including a Static Section on a page is similar to including a snippet. The only difference is instead of using the word include you use the word section.
{% section 'section-file-name' %}
Using this tag will "hardcode" the section into your theme at the place where you put the code an...
First, install ipset if needed. Please refer to your distribution to know how to do it. As an example, here is the command for Debian-like distributions.
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install ipset
Then create a configuration file to define an ipset containing the IPs for which you want to open ac...
There are a number of issues with Oracle. Here's how to resolve them.
Assuming your procedure output parameter is ref cursor, you will get this exception.
java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column type: 2012
So change Types.REF_CURSOR to OracleTypes.CURSOR in simpleJdbcCall.declareParameters()
If a using-declaration occurs at class scope, it is only allowed to redeclare a member of a base class. For example, using std::cout is not allowed at class scope.
Often, the name redeclared is one that would otherwise be hidden. For example, in the below code, only refers to Derived1::foo(c...
Opening a stream
fopen opens a file stream handle, which can be used with various functions for reading, writing, seeking and other functions on top of it. This value is of resource type, and cannot be passed to other threads persisting its functionality.
$f = fopen("errors.log", "a...
One time definition of a generic base class with recursive type specifier. Each node has one parent and multiple children.
/// <summary>
/// Generic base class for a tree structure
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The node type of the tree</typeparam>
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent)
QWidget* w = new QWidget(this);
QHBoxLayout* hbox = new QHBoxLayout();
QVBoxLayout* vBox = new QVBoxLayout();
menuA = new MainMenuListView(w, "Images");
menuB = new MainMenuListView(w, "Video...
Here is a sample output:
As you can seen above, it can be useful for creating stacked menus.
Note that this sample is trivial. The two widgets have the same size constraints.
Take note of the email type: Type = 'text/html';
Filename myEmail EMAIL
Subject = "My Email Subject"
From = "[email protected]"
To = '[email protected]'
CC = '[email protected]'
Type = 'text/html';
Data _null_; File my...
require('http').globalAgent.maxSockets = 25
// You can change 25 to Infinity or to a different value by experimenting
Node.js by default is using maxSockets = Infinity at the same time (since v0.12.0). Until Node v0.12.0, the default was maxSockets = 5 (see v0.11.0). So, after more tha...
Install Firebase resource in the the AppScript
To do that click on Resources and then on Libraries.
Firebase has a unique project library key that need to be installed in the AppScript.
Click on Libraries
The following pop-up appears. Enter the following project key in the textbox.
Lets take fb login as testcase,will see how to capture and export as JAVA class
Click on the selenium IDE icon on top right corner of your browser
Enter the url
Click on Record button , as shown in the screenshot
Export the usecase as java file
Save the file in you lo...
Drop/Delete your database
If you are using SQLite for your database, just delete this file.
If you are using MySQL/Postgres or any other database system, you will have to drop the database and then recreate a fresh database.
You will now need to delete all the migrations file except "