Tutorial by Examples

Manual installation Type below commands in Terminal. php -r "readfile('http://files.drush.org/drush.phar');" > drush chmod +x drush sudo mv drush /usr/local/bin drush init # Add alias in bash startup file. Composer Assuming composer is installed. composer global require drush/...
Onsen UI is an open-source framework that helps you build hybrid apps with native like performance. It can be used along with several well known JavaScript frameworks such as AngularJS (1 & 2), ReactJS and jQuery. Loading OnsenUI in a project is as easy as writing some standard tags of HTML in ...
One common use for the FOR XML function is to concatenate the values of multiple rows. Here's an example using the Customers table: SELECT STUFF( (SELECT ';' + Email FROM Customers where (Email is not null and Email <> '') ORDER BY Email ASC FOR XM...
Install npm install tsify Using Command Line Interface browserify main.ts -p [ tsify --noImplicitAny ] > bundle.js Using API var browserify = require("browserify"); var tsify = require("tsify"); browserify() .add("main.ts") .plugin("tsify&quot...
Install npm install grunt-ts Basic Gruntfile.js module.exports = function(grunt) { grunt.initConfig({ ts: { default : { src: ["**/*.ts", "!node_modules/**/*.ts"] } } }); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grun...
Install npm install gulp-typescript Basic gulpfile.js var gulp = require("gulp"); var ts = require("gulp-typescript"); gulp.task("default", function () { var tsResult = gulp.src("src/*.ts") .pipe(ts({ noImplicitAny: true, ...
Install npm install ts-loader --save-dev Basic webpack.config.js webpack 2.x, 3.x module.exports = { resolve: { extensions: ['.ts', '.tsx', '.js'] }, module: { rules: [ { // Set up ts-loader for .ts/.tsx files and exclude any impor...
Update project file to include locally installed Microsoft.TypeScript.Default.props (at the top) and Microsoft.TypeScript.targets (at the bottom) files: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns=...
Right-Click -> Manage NuGet Packages Search for Microsoft.TypeScript.MSBuild Hit Install When install is complete, rebuild! More details can be found at Package Manager Dialog and using nightly builds with NuGet


A NFA (Nondeterministic Finite Automaton) engine is driven by the pattern. Principle The regex pattern is parsed into a tree. The current position pointer is set to the start of the input string, and a match is attempted at this position. If the match fais, the position is incremented to the ne...


A DFA (Deterministic Finite Automaton) engine is driven by the input. Principle The algorithm scans through the input string once, and remembers all possible paths in the regex which could match. For instance, when an alternation is encountered in the pattern, two new paths are created and attem...
Sometimes we have to resize a UILabel based on dynamic content where the text length is unknown. In this example, width of the UILabel is fixed at 280 points and the height is infinite, lets say 9999. Estimating the frame with respect to the text style and maximumLabelSize. Objective-C UILabel * l...
To create a square, define an element with both a width and height. In the example below, we have an element with a width and height of 100 pixels each. <div class="square"></div> .square { width: 100px; height: 100px; background: rgb(246, 156, 85); } ...
To create a CSS triangle define an element with a width and height of 0 pixels. The triangle shape will be formed using border properties. For an element with 0 height and width the 4 borders (top, right, bottom, left) each form a triangle. Here's an element with 0 height/width and 4 different color...
A burst is similar to a star but with the points extending less distance from the body. Think of a burst shape as a square with additional, slightly rotated, squares layered on top. The additional squares are created using the ::before and ::after psuedo-elements. 8 Point Burst An 8 point burst a...
Circle To create a circle, define an element with an equal width and height (a square) and then set the border-radius property of this element to 50%. HTML <div class="circle"></div> CSS .circle { width: 50px; height: 50px; background: rgb(246, 156, 85); ...
DROP PROCEDURE if exists displayNext100WithName; DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE displayNext100WithName ( nStart int, tblName varchar(100) ) BEGIN DECLARE thesql varchar(500); -- holds the constructed sql string to execute -- expands the sizing of the output buffer to accomoda...
A closure can be defined with a typealias. This provides a convenient type placeholder if the same closure signature is used in multiple places. For example, common network request callbacks or user interface event handlers make great candidates for being "named" with a type alias. public...
;; disable automatic loading of packages after the init file (setq package-enable-at-startup nil) ;; instead load them explicitly (package-initialize) ;; refresh package descriptions (unless package-archive-contents (package-refresh-contents)) ;;; use-package initialization ;;; install ...
In most cases you want to define several border properties (border-width, border-style and border-color) for all sides of an element. Instead of writing: border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #000; You can simply write: border: 1px solid #000; These shorthands are also ava...

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