Tutorial by Examples: ect

Objects come in their own class, so a simple example would be a car (detailed explanations below): public class Car { //Variables describing the characteristics of an individual car, varies per object private int milesPerGallon; private String name; private String color; ...
To print the value of a pointer to an object (as opposed to a function pointer) use the p conversion specifier. It is defined to print void-pointers only, so to print out the value of a non void-pointer it needs to be explicitly converted ("casted*") to void*. #include <stdlib.h> /*...
Create a select list that can be used to choose a single or multiple items from a list of values. library(shiny) ui <- fluidPage( selectInput("id_selectInput", label = HTML('<B><FONT size="3">What is your favorite color ?</FONT></B&g...
When a function returns an object (as opposed to using one that's passed in by the caller), be careful an exception doesn't cause the object to leak. function MakeStrings: TStrings; begin // Create a new object before entering the try-block. Result := TStringList.Create; try // Execu...
Consider following html code <ul> <li id=“one” class=“main”>Item 1</li> <li id=“two” class=“main”>Item 2</li> <li id=“three” class=“main”>Item 3</li> <li id=“four”>Item 4</li> </ul> Following dom tree will be constructed ba...
If you want to write strings containing other languages (JSON, regexes), it's hard to keep up with escaping symbols, and it would be nice to get some code assist. Put your cursor inside an empty string ALT + ENTER Pick "Inect language or reference" Pick the desirable language (...
The following functions allow you to build SQL SELECT statements. $this->db->get() This runs the selection query and returns the result. Can be used by itself to retrieve all records from a table: $query = $this->db->get('tablename'); // Produces: SELECT * FROM tablename The sec...
We'll use the popular eslint-config-airbnb as a starter as well as Meteor specific rules using eslint-import-resolver-meteor. We also need to install babel-parser to lint Meteor enabled ES7 features such as async/await. cd my-project npm install --save-dev eslint-config-airbnb eslint-plugin-impor...
Subtracting the values of two pointers to an object results in a signed integer *1. So it would be printed using at least the d conversion specifier. To make sure there is a type being wide enough to hold such a "pointer-difference", since C99 <stddef.h> defines the type ptrdiff_t. ...
# example data DT <- data.table(Titanic) Suppose that, for each sex, we want the rows with the highest survival numbers: DT[Survived == "Yes", .SD[ N == max(N) ], by=Sex] # Class Sex Age Survived N # 1: Crew Male Adult Yes 192 # 2: 1st Female Adult Yes...
library(RODBC) con <- odbcDriverConnect("driver={Sql Server};server=servername;trusted connection=true") dat <- sqlQuery(con, "select * from table"); close(con) This will connect to a SQL Server instance. For more information on what your connection string should loo...
var go = GameObject.Find("NameOfTheObject"); ProsConsEasy to usePerformance degrades along the number of gameobjects in sceneStrings are weak references and suspect to user errors
var go = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); ProsConsPossible to search both single objects and entire groupsStrings are weak references and suspect to user errors.Relatively fast and efficientCode is not portable as tags are hard coded in scripts.
ExampleScript script = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<ExampleScript>(); GameObject go = script.gameObject; FindObjectOfType() returns null if none is found. ProsConsStrongly typedPerformance degrades along the number of gameobjects needed to evaluatePossible to search both single objects...
To add EntityFrameworkCore to your project, update the project.json file (add new lines into the dependencies and tools sections): "dependencies": { ... "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer": "1.0.0", "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer.Des...
docker run --name="test-app" --entrypoint="/bin/bash" example-app This command will override the ENTRYPOINT directive of the example-app image when the container test-app is created. The CMD directive of the image will remain unchanged unless otherwise specified: docker run -...
For this example, we will use the vector: > x <- 11:20 > x [1] 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 R vectors are 1-indexed, so for example x[1] will return 11. We can also extract a sub-vector of x by passing a vector of indices to the bracket operator: > x[c(2,4,6)] [1] 12 14 16 ...
the steps in this example will use the following project structure as a demonstration and we intend to export it to the "GHTuts" Repository [Note that the Repo doesn't exist yet on github] but leave the "SensitiveProject" without publish as it contains some passwords, keys, et...
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in C:\xampp\htdocs\stack\index.php on line 4 If you get an error like this (or sometimes unexpected $end, depending on PHP version), you will need to make sure that you've matched up all inverted commas, all parentheses, all curly braces, all brac...
class MyDataObject extends DataObject { private static $singular_name = 'My Object'; private static $plural_name = 'My Objects'; ... }

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