Tutorial by Examples

It is also possible to use variables as comments. This can be useful to conditionally prevent commands being executed: @echo off setlocal if /i "%~1"=="update" (set _skip=) Else (set _skip=REM) %_skip% copy update.dat %_skip% echo Update applied ... When using the ab...
The batch file format does not have a block comment syntax, but there is an easy workaround for this. Normally each line of a batch file is read and then executed by the parser, but a goto statement can be used to jump past a block of plain text (which can be used as a block comment): @echo off ...
There are use cases when you might want to rename your app directory to something else. In Laravel4 you could just change a config entry, here's one way to do it in Laravel5. In this example we'll be renaming the app directory to src. Override Application class The directories name app is hardcod...
The function angular.isFunction determines and returns true if and only if the value passed to is a reference to a function. The function returns a reference to the now extended destination object angular.isFunction(fn) Examples var onClick = function(e) {return e}; angular.isFunction(onCli...
The function angular.toJson will take an object and serialize it into a JSON formatted string. Unlike the native function JSON.stringify, This function will remove all properties beginning with $$ (as angular usually prefixes internal properties with $$) angular.toJson(object) As data needs to ...
The function angular.fromJson will deserialize a valid JSON string and return an Object or an Array. angular.fromJson(string|object) Note that this function is not limited to only strings, it will output a representation of any object passed to it. Examples: angular.fromJson("{\"yo...
Environment variables can be defined before the meteor call, like so: PORT=4000 meteor NODE_ENV="staging" meteor
Downloading a file from the internet is a very common task required by almost every application your likely to build. To accomplish this, you can use the "System.Net.WebClient" class. The simplest use of this, using the "using" pattern, is shown below: using (var webClient = n...
var A var is a reference variable, similar to variables in languages like Java. Different objects can be freely assigned to a var, so long as the given object has the same type that the var was declared with: scala> var x = 1 x: Int = 1 scala> x = 2 x: Int = 2 scala> x = "foo...
Method 1 Gson gson = new Gson(); String json = "[ \"Adam\", \"John\", \"Mary\" ]"; Type type = new TypeToken<List<String>>(){}.getType(); List<String> members = gson.fromJson(json, type); Log.v("Members", members.toString());...
Angular has some magic under its hood. it enables binding DOM to real js variables. Angular uses a loop, named the "digest loop", which is called after any change of a variable - calling callbacks which update the DOM. For example, the ng-model directive attaches a keyup eventListener to...
Implementing two-way-data-binding, to achieve the result from the previous example, could be done with two core functions: $digest is called after a user interaction (binding DOM=>variable) $watch sets a callback to be called after variable changes (binding variable=>DOM) note: this is ...
The previous example is good enough when we need to bind a single html element, to a single variable. In reality - we need to bind many elements to many variables: <span ng-repeat="number in [1,2,3,4,5]">{{number}}</span> This ng-repeat binds 5 elements to 5 variables call...
angular.module('app', []) .controller('myController', ['$scope', function($scope){ $scope.person = { name: 'John Doe' }; }]); <div ng-app="app" ng-conroller="myController"> <input ng-model="person.name" /> <div ng-repeat="number i...
In javascript, assigning a non-primitive value (Such as Object, Array, Function, and many more), keeps a reference (an address in the memory) to the assigned value. Assigning a primitive value (String, Number, Boolean, or Symbol) to two different variables, and changing one, won't change both: var...
Be careful, this approach might be considered as a bad design for angular apps, since it requires programmers to remember both where functions are placed in the scope tree, and to be aware of scope inheritance. In many cases it would be preferred to inject a service (Angular practice - using scope ...
CSS resets take separate approaches to browser defaults. Eric Meyer’s Reset CSS has been around for a while. His approach nullifies many of the browser elements that have been known to cause problems right off the back. The following is from his version (v2.0 | 20110126) CSS Reset. html, body, di...
string strCmdText = "/C copy /b Image1.jpg + Archive.rar Image2.jpg"; System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("CMD.exe",strCmdText); This is to hide the cmd window. System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo...
int[string] wordCount(string[] wordList) { int[string] words; foreach (word; wordList) { words[word]++; } return words; } void main() { int[string] count = wordCount(["hello", "world", "I", "say", "hello"]); ...
_.map is useful for changing a list into a different list in a purely declarative way. Rather than using imperative techniques like a while or for loop in javascript, you can just specify how you want to manipulate an element of a list and Use _.map to make a new list transformed by the functio...

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