Tutorial by Examples: c

Controls how the image should be resized or moved to match the size of ImageView. XML attribute: android:scaleType="..." i will illustrate different scale types with a square ImageView which has a black background and we want to display a rectangular drawable in white background in Im...
SELECT * INTO NewTable FROM OldTable Creates a new table with structure of old table and inserts all rows into the new table. Some Restrictions You cannot specify a table variable or table-valued parameter as the new table. You cannot use SELECT…INTO to create a partitioned table, even whe...
The following example can be used to find the total row count for a specific table in a database if table_name is replaced by the the table you wish to query: SELECT COUNT(*) AS [TotalRowCount] FROM table_name; It is also possible to get the row count for all tables by joining back to the table'...
enum Fruit { apple, banana } main() { var a = Fruit.apple; switch (a) { case Fruit.apple: print('it is an apple'); break; } // get all the values of the enums for (List<Fruit> value in Fruit.values) { print(value); } // get the second val...
This is relevant for apps that implement a BootListener. Test your app by killing your app and then test with: adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED -c android.intent.category.HOME -n your.app/your.app.BootListener (replace your.package/your.app.BootListener with proper ...
First define an ExitActivity in the AndroidManifest.xml <activity android:name="com.your_example_app.activities.ExitActivity" android:autoRemoveFromRecents="true" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.NoDisplay" /> Afterwards the ExitA...
When we are working on a framework, if the constraints are not too complex, we'd better use Interface Builder or NSLayoutConstraint in code to make it smaller enough, instead of import Masonry or SnapKit. for example: Objective-C // 1. create views UIView *blueView = [[UIView alloc...
Swift classes supports having multiple ways of being initialized. Following Apple's specs this 3 rules must be respected: A designated initializer must call a designated initializer from its immediate superclass. A convenience initializer must call another initializer from the same class. A ...
let data = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5;] let repeating = seq {while true do yield! data} Repeating sequences can be created using a seq {} computation expression
std::function type erases down to a few operations. One of the things it requires is that the stored value be copyable. This causes problems in a few contexts, like lambdas storing unique ptrs. If you are using the std::function in a context where copying doesn't matter, like a thread pool where ...
When factors are created with defaults, levels are formed by as.character applied to the inputs and are ordered alphabetically. charvar <- rep(c("W", "n", "c"), times=c(17,20,14)) f <- factor(charvar) levels(f) # [1] "c" "n" "W" ...
/** * Created by Nick Cardoso on 03/08/16. * This is not a complete parcelable implementation, it only highlights the easiest * way to read and write your Enum values to your parcel */ public class Foo implements Parcelable { private final MyEnum myEnumVariable; private final M...
It's possible to call functions from the pygame.key and pygame.mouse module to receive the state of the key and mouse. However, it's not the recommended way to process events in pygame since there are some flaws with it: You'll receive the states when the function is called, which means you mig...
To determine the version of Azure PowerShell that you have installed, run the following: Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name Azure -Refresh This command returns the installed version even when you haven't loaded the Azure PowerShell module in your current PowerShell session.
To normalize the database in the second form, there must not be any partial dependency of any column on primary key. Let's consider the following example: idnamedobsubject1Mark1-1-1981Physics2Jack2-2-1982Math2Jack2-2-1982Biology3John3-3-1983Math This table is considered to have a composite primar...
If a java library contains interfaces that should be implemented by the user (e.g. click listeners like View.IOnClickListener or callbacks), the implementing class has to inherit -- directly or indirectly -- from Java.Lang.Object or Java.Lang.Throwable. This is a common error, because the packaging ...
The REPLACE statement can work with regular expressions directly: DATA(lv_test) = 'The quick brown fox'. REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF REGEX '\wo' IN lv_test WITH 'XX'. The variable lv_test will evaluate to The quick bXXwn XXx.
The FIND statement can work with regular expressions directly: DATA(lv_test) = 'The quick brown fox'. FIND REGEX '..ck' IN lv_test. " sy-subrc == 0 FIND REGEX 'a[sdf]g' IN lv_test. " sy-subrc == 4
For more advanced regex operations it's best to use CL_ABAP_REGEX and its related classes. DATA: lv_test TYPE string, lo_regex TYPE REF TO cl_abap_regex. lv_test = 'The quick brown fox'. CREATE OBJECT lo_regex EXPORTING pattern = 'q(...)\w'. DATA(lo_matcher) = lo_regex->cr...
SQL Server 2008 R2 SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED This is the most permissive isolation level, in that it does not cause any locks at all. It specifies that statements can read all rows, including rows that have been written in transactions but not yet committed (i.e., they are...

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