Tutorial by Examples: ect

When object's are linked by a lookup or master-detail relationship, the parent records field's can be referenced from the child record or 'base object' in a query. This is also known as upwards traversal. SELECT FirstName, Account.Name, Account.Category__c FROM Contact It's possible to traverse ...
$dbServer = "localhost,1234"; //Name of the server/instance, including optional port number (default is 1433) $dbName = "db001"; //Name of the database $dbUser = "user"; //Name of the user $dbPassword = "password"; //DB Password of that user $connectionI...
When localizing different types of resources are required, each of which has its own home in the android project structure. Following are the different directories that we can place under the \res directory. The resource types placed in each of these directories are explained in the table below: D...
Each resource directory under the res folder (listed in the example above) can have different variations of the contained resources in similarly named directory suffixed with different qualifier-values for each configuration-type. Example of variations of `` directory with different qualifier value...
Create a new project.json and example Program.cs: dotnet new Restore needed packages: dotnet restore Compile and run the example: dotnet run
Go to the project.json directory and publish: dotnet publish It will print the output directory of the operation, enter the directory and run the published project: dotnet <project output>.dll The default folder will be: <project root>/bin/<configuration>/<target framewo...
ObjectAnimator is a subclass of ValueAnimator with the added ability to set the calculated value to the property of a target View. Just like in the ValueAnimator, there are two ways you can create the ObjectAnimator: (the example code animates an alpha of a View from 0.4f to 0.2f in 250ms) Fr...
To bootstrap a new Erlang project, simply choose the template you want to use from the list. The available templates can be retrieved by the following command: $ rebar3 new app (built-in): Complete OTP Application structure cmake (built-in): Standalone Makefile for building C/C++ in c_src escr...
Sectioning is a concise way to partially apply arguments to infix operators. For example, if we want to write a function which adds "ing" to the end of a word we can use a section to succinctly define a function. > (++ "ing") "laugh" "laughing" Notice...
Map 'Mapping' across a collection uses the map function to transform each element of that collection in a similar way. The general syntax is: val someFunction: (A) => (B) = ??? collection.map(someFunction) You can provide an anonymous function: collection.map((x: T) => /*Do something wi...
String#pluralize Returns of plural form of the string. Optionally takes a count parameter and returns singular form if count == 1. Also accepts a locale parameter for language-specific pluralization. 'post'.pluralize # => "posts" 'octopus'.pluralize # => &quot...
Anything that needs to happen with data in an IndexedDB database happens in a transaction. There are a few things to note about transactions that are mentioned in the Remarks section at the bottom of this page. We'll use the database we set up in Opening a database. // Create a new readwrite (sinc...
Create a new project dotnet new -l f# Restore any packages listed in project.json dotnet restore A project.lock.json file should be written out. Execute the program dotnet run The above will compile the code if required. The output of the default project created by dotnet new -l f# con...
public class ShakeDetector implements SensorEventListener { private static final float SHAKE_THRESHOLD_GRAVITY = 2.7F; private static final int SHAKE_SLOP_TIME_MS = 500; private static final int SHAKE_COUNT_RESET_TIME_MS = 3000; private OnShakeListener mListener; pri...
If you use Linux (or Windows with Cygwin), you can run: adb shell screencap -p | sed 's/\r$//' > screenshot.png
Using dotnet new will scaffold a new console application. To scaffold other types of projects, use the -t or --type flag: dotnet new -t web dotnet restore dotnet run The available templates vary by language. C# Templates console (default) - A console application. web - An ASP.NET Core app...
By default, dotnet new creates C# projects. You can use the -l or --lang flag to scaffold projects in other languages: dotnet new -l f# dotnet restore dotnet run Currently, dotnet new supports C# and F#.
public class ConnectSocketExample { private int HTTP_PORT = 80; /** * example method to create unconnected socket * then connect to it * at end return connected socket * * @param httpHostName - endpoint host name fot socket connection * @throws IOEx...
class SomeClass { public function __invoke($param1, $param2) { // put your code here } } $instance = new SomeClass(); $instance('First', 'Second'); // call the __invoke() method An object with an __invoke method can be used exactly as any other function. The __invoke meth...

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