Tutorial by Examples: c

Hi everyone! This is a demo I love running for people that get started with BigQuery. So let's run some simple queries to get you started. Setup You will need a Google Cloud project: Go to http://bigquery.cloud.google.com/. If it tells you to create a project, follow the link to create a proje...
RxSwift provides not only the ways to control your data, but to represent user actions in a reactive way also. RxCocoa contains everything you need. It wraps most of the UI components' properties into Observables, but not really. There are some upgraded Observables called ControlEvents (which repre...
While Runnable provides a means to wrap code to be executed in a different thread, it has a limitation in that it cannot return a result from the execution. The only way to get some return value from the execution of a Runnable is to assign the result to a variable accessible in a scope outside of t...
Prior to Java 5's concurrent package introduction threading was more low level.The introduction of this package provided several higher level concurrent programming aids/constructs. Locks are thread synchronisation mechanisms that essentially serve the same purpose as synchronized blocks or key wor...
To make a jar, you need one or more class files. This should have a main method if it is to be run by a double click. For this example, we will use: import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.Container; public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame f = ne...
#include <gtkmm/application.h> #include <gtkmm/applicationwindow.h> #include <gtkmm/button.h> // main window of the application class HelloWorldWindow : public Gtk::ApplicationWindow { // a simple push button Gtk::Button btn; public: HelloWorldWindow() : ...
Starting with the Support Library version 22.2.1, it's possible to show and hide a FloatingActionButton from scrolling behavior using a FloatingActionButton.Behavior sublclass that takes advantage of the show() and hide() methods. Note that this only works with a CoordinatorLayout in conjunction wi...
In R, data objects are manipulated using named data structures. The names of the objects might be called "variables" although that term does not have a specific meaning in the official R documentation. R names are case sensitive and may contain alphanumeric characters(a-z,A-z,0-9), the dot...
This is a mistake that causes real confusion for Java beginners, at least the first time that they do it. Instead of writing this: if (feeling == HAPPY) System.out.println("Smile"); else System.out.println("Frown"); they accidentally write this: if (feeling == HAP...
const url = 'http://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions?site=stackoverflow&tagged=javascript'; const questionList = document.createElement('ul'); document.body.appendChild(questionList); const responseData = fetch(url).then(response => response.json()); responseData.then(({item...
You can define the signing configuration to sign the apk in the build.gradle file. You can define: storeFile : the keystore file storePassword: the keystore password keyAlias: a key alias name keyPassword: A key alias password You have to define the signingConfigs block to create a signin...
You can define the signing configuration in an external file as a signing.properties in the root directory of your project. For example you can define these keys (you can use your favorite names): STORE_FILE=myStoreFileLocation STORE_PASSWORD=myStorePassword KEY_ALIAS=myKeyAlias KEY_PASSWOR...
You can store the signing information setting environment variables. These values can be accessed with System.getenv("<VAR-NAME>") In your build.gradle you can define: signingConfigs { release { storeFile file(System.getenv("KEYSTORE")) storePasswo...
We use the null function to check if a given Map is empty: > Map.null $ Map.fromList [("Alex", 31), ("Bob", 22)] False > Map.null $ Map.empty True
C++11 A unary operator that determines whether the evaluation of its operand can propagate an exception. Note that the bodies of called functions are not examined, so noexcept can yield false negatives. The operand is not evaluated. #include <iostream> #include <stdexcept> void f...
In Normal Mode, commands can be entered by direct key combinations (typing u to undo the last change, for example). These commands often have equivalents in 'ex' mode, accessed by typing a colon :, which drops you into a single-line buffer at the bottom of the Vim window. In 'ex' mode, after typing...
Undo Command:Descriptionuu,undoUndo the most recent change5uUndo the five most recent changes (use any number) Please be aware that in Vim, the 'most recent change' varies according to the mode you are in. If you enter Insert Mode (i) and type out an entire paragraph before dropping back to Normal...
The Repeat command, executed with the dot or period key (.), is more useful than it first appears. Once learned, you will find yourself using it often. Command:Description.Repeat the last change10.Repeat the last change 10 times So then, for a very simple example, if you make a change to line 1 by...
In Vim, these operations are handled differently from what you might be used to in almost any other modern editor or word processor (Ctrl-C, Ctrl-X, Ctrl-V). To understand, you need to know a little about registers and motions. Note: this section will not cover Visual Mode copying and cutting or ra...
sqlite> SELECT TYPEOF(NULL); null sqlite> SELECT TYPEOF(42); integer sqlite> SELECT TYPEOF(3.141592653589793); real sqlite> SELECT TYPEOF('Hello, world!'); text sqlite> SELECT TYPEOF(X'0123456789ABCDEF'); blob

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