Tutorial by Examples

String and char-like variables can be concatenated using ABAP CONCATENATE command. An extra variable for storing the results is required. Example: CONCATENATE var1 var2 var3 INTO result. "result now contains the values of var1, var2 & var3 stringed together without spaces Shorthand ...
The hooks feature can be globally enabled/disabled by setting the following item in the application/config/config.php file: $config['enable_hooks'] = TRUE;
Hooks are defined in the application/config/hooks.php file. Each hook is specified as an array with this prototype $hook['pre_controller'] = array( 'class' => 'MyClass', 'function' => 'Myfunction', 'filename' => 'Myclass.php', 'filepath' => 'h...
pre_system Called very early during system execution. Only the benchmark and hooks class have been loaded at this point. No routing or other processes have happened. pre_controller Called immediately prior to any of your controllers being called. All base classes, routing, and security checks hav...
If you use the paste command from your terminal emulator program, Vim will interpret the stream of characters as if they were typed. That will cause all kind of undesirable effects, particularly bad indendation. To fix that, from command mode: :set paste Then move on to insert mode, with i, for...
$ IFS= read -r foo <<EOF > this is a \n line >EOF $ printf '%s\n' "$foo" this is a \n line
$ read -r foo <<EOF > this is a line >EOF $ printf '%s\n' "$foo" this is a line
Even if third-party libraries are good, a simple way to parse the JSON is provided by protocols You can imagine you have got an object Todo as struct Todo { let comment: String } Whenever you receive the JSON, you can handle the plain NSData as shown in the other example using NSJSONSeria...
Static variables and methods are not part of an instance, There will always be a single copy of that variable no matter how many objects you create of a particular class. For example you might want to have an immutable list of constants, it would be a good idea to keep it static and initialize it j...
Instead of using the delegate pattern, that split the implementation in various part of the UIViewController class, you can even use closures to pass data back and forward. By assuming that you're using the UIStoryboardSegue, in the prepareForSegue method you can easily setup the new controller in ...
This creates a table partitioned by hash, in this example on store id. CREATE TABLE orders ( order_nr NUMBER(15), user_id VARCHAR2(2), order_value NUMBER(15), store_id NUMBER(5) ) PARTITION BY HASH(store_id) PARTITIONS 8; You should use a power of 2 for the number of hash ...
This creates a table partitioned by ranges, in this example on order values. CREATE TABLE orders ( order_nr NUMBER(15), user_id VARCHAR2(2), order_value NUMBER(15), store_id NUMBER(5) ) PARTITION BY RANGE(order_value) ( PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN(10), PARTITION ...
Check existing partitions on Schema SELECT * FROM user_tab_partitions;
This creates a table partitioned by lists, in this example on store id. CREATE TABLE orders ( order_nr NUMBER(15), user_id VARCHAR2(2), order_value NUMBER(15), store_id NUMBER(5) ) PARTITION BY LIST(store_id) ( PARTITION p1 VALUES (1,2,3), PARTITION p2 VALUES(4,5,6...
ALTER TABLE table_name DROP PARTITION partition_name;
Select data from a partition SELECT * FROM orders PARTITION(partition_name);
ALTER TABLE table_name TRUNCATE PARTITION partition_name;
ALTER TABLE table_name MOVE PARTITION partition_name TABLESPACE tablespace_name;
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD PARTITION new_partition VALUES LESS THAN(400);

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