Tutorial by Examples: c

The image control is used for displaying images on the web page, or some alternative text, if the image is not available. Basic syntax for an image control: <asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server"> It has the following important properties: PropertiesDescriptionAlternat...
pages = [] crawler = Anemone::Core.new(url, options) crawler.on_every_page do |page| results << page.url end crawler.run
Import external style sheet. Working jsBin <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <base href="https://polygit.org/polymer+:master/iron-data-table+Saulis+:master/components/"> <link rel="import" href="polymer/polymer.html"> ...
Default behavior is to de-select row when clicked twice. In some use cases, you might want to disable this de-selecting behavior. Note table.deselectItem(item) method will imperatively deselect an item. This works with both item or index (when using items array) as an argument. Working jsBin &lt...
Once you have a query, you can do more with it than just iterating the results in a for loop. Setup: from datetime import date class User(Base): __tablename__ = 'users' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(Text, nullable=False) birthday = Column(Date) # ...
Octave commands can be saved in a file and evaluated by loading the file using source. For instance, let hello.m be the text file containing two lines (the first line is a comment) # my first Octave program disp('Hello, World!') If you type source hello.m at an Octave command prompt you will g...
Create a 2x3 matrix. Each row is a comma-separated list of elements. Rows are separated by a semicolon. A = [1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6] # A = # # 1 2 3 # 4 5 6 Sum of two matrices B = [1, 1, 1; 1, 1, 1] # B = # # 1 1 1 # 1 1 1 A+B # ans = # # 2 3 4 # ...
# Base image FROM python:2.7-alpine # Metadata MAINTAINER John Doe <[email protected]> # System-level dependencies RUN apk add --update \ ca-certificates \ && update-ca-certificates \ && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* # App dependencies COPY requirements....
While the JavaScript tracking snippet described above ensures the script will be loaded and executed asynchronously on all browsers, it has the disadvantage of not allowing modern browsers to preload the script. The alternative async tracking snippet below adds support for preloading, which will pr...
When you add either of these tracking snippets to your website, you send a pageview for each page your users visit. Google Analytics processes this data and can infer a great deal of information including: The total time a user spends on your site. The time a user spends on each page and in what o...
So the GNU coreutils should be avaialable on all linux based systems (please correct me if I am wrong here). If you do not know what system you are using you may not be able to directly jump to one of the examples above, hence this may be your first port of call. `$ uname -a On my system this giv...
It is possible to omit the on <sensitivity_list> and the for <timeout> clauses, like in: wait until CONDITION; which is equivalent to: wait on LIST until CONDITION; where LIST is the list of all signals that appear in CONDITION. It is also equivalent to: loop ...
AWS Codecommit can be used as storage for private GIT repositories. The setup involves a few steps, assuming you have a valid AWS account already. Sign up for AWS Codecommit. Currently only region us-east-1 is available. Create a IAM user who will have access to the repositories, eg codecommit-u...
Atlassian SourceTree is a visual tool for Mac and Windows to manage source code repositories. This can be used with Codecommit as a remote repository but need to add an extra configuration option to the local repository in SourceTree to be able to connect with codecommit. First, setup Codecommit fo...
DECLARE -- declare a variable message varchar2(20); BEGIN -- assign value to variable message := 'HELLO WORLD'; -- print message to screen DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(message); END; /
public static final int PLACE_AUTOCOMPLETE_FROM_PLACE_REQUEST_CODE=1; public static final int PLACE_AUTOCOMPLETE_TO_PLACE_REQUEST_CODE=2; fromPlaceEdit.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { ...
<cffunction name="getUserById" access="public" returntype="query"> <cfargument name="userId" type="numeric" required="yes" hint="The ID of the user"> <cfquery name="local.qryGetUser" datasource...
At it's most basic level, acceptance testing is essentially black-box testing, which is fundamentally concerned with testing inputs and outputs of a closed system. As such, there are three essential features to acceptance testing: locating a resource, reading data, and writing data. When it comes to...
Nightwatch supports creating custom commands that can simulating keystrokes, mouse clicks, and other inputs. A custom command can be chained with other Nightwatch commands, like so: module.exports = { "Login App" : function (client) { client .url("http://localhost:300...
Since Nightwatch has access to the browser console, it's possible to inspect client side objects using the .execute() API. In the following example, we're checking the Session object for a particular session variable. First, we begin by creating the file ./tests/nightwatch/api/meteor/checkSession...

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