Tutorial by Examples: c

_refreshControl(){ return ( <RefreshControl refreshing={this.state.refreshing} onRefresh={()=>this._refreshListView()} /> ) } refreshing: is the state of the spinner (true, false). onRefresh: this function will invoke when refresh the ListView/Scr...
_refreshListView(){ //Start Rendering Spinner this.setState({refreshing:true}) this.state.cars.push( {name:'Fusion',color:'Black'}, {name:'Yaris',color:'Blue'} ) //Updating the dataSource with new data this.setState({ dataSource: this.state.data...
RefreshControl is used inside a ScrollView or ListView to add pull to refresh functionality. at this example we will use it with ListView 'use strict' import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { StyleSheet, View, ListView, RefreshControl, Text } from 'react-native' class RefreshContr...
//Before: antipattern 3 global variables var setActivePage = function () {}; var getPage = function() {}; var redirectPage = function() {}; //After: just 1 global variable, no function collision and more meaningful function names var NavigationNs = NavigationNs || {}; N...
When multiple modules are involved, avoid proliferating global names by creating a single global namespace. From there, any sub-modules can be added to the global namespace. (Further nesting will slow down performance and add unnecessary complexity.) Longer names can be used if name clashes are an i...
You can quickly determine if a text includes a specific pattern using Regex. There are multiple ways to work with Regex in PowerShell. #Sample text $text = @" This is (a) sample text, this is a (sample text) "@ #Sample pattern: Content wrapped in () $pattern = '\(.*?\)' Using ...
A common task for regex is to replace text that matches a pattern with a new value. #Sample text $text = @" This is (a) sample text, this is a (sample text) "@ #Sample pattern: Text wrapped in () $pattern = '\(.*?\)' #Replace matches with: $newvalue = 'test' Using -Replace...
Sometimes you need to replace a value matching a pattern with a new value that's based on that specific match, making it impossible to predict the new value. For these types of scenarios, a MatchEvaluator can be very useful. In PowerShell, a MatchEvaluator is as simple as a scriptblock with a singl...
A regex-pattern uses many special characters to describe a pattern. Ex., . means "any character", + is "one or more" etc. To use these characters, as a .,+ etc., in a pattern, you need to escape them to remove their special meaning. This is done by using the escape character whi...
There are multiple ways to find all matches for a pattern in a text. #Sample text $text = @" This is (a) sample text, this is a (sample text) "@ #Sample pattern: Content wrapped in () $pattern = '\(.*?\)' Using Select-String You can find all matches (global match) by adding t...
Tuples are immutable ordered collections of arbitrary distinct objects, either of the same type or of different types. Typically, tuples are constructed using the (x, y) syntax. julia> tup = (1, 1.0, "Hello, World!") (1,1.0,"Hello, World!") The individual objects of a tup...
Because Julia function parameter lists are themselves tuples, dispatching on various kinds of tuples is often easier done through the method parameters themselves, often with liberal usage for the "splatting" ... operator. For instance, consider the implementation of reverse for tuples, fr...
The IIF statement can be used in expressions to screen for division by zero: =IIF(Fields!PossibleZero.Value=0,0,Fields!Denominator.Value/IIF(Fields!PossibleZero.Value=0,1,Fields!PossibleZero.Value)) SSRS does not short circuit IIF arguments. Therefore, using a single IIF function to screen for ...
In order to use a plain-text editor to create a Console application that is written in C#, you'll need the C# Compiler. The C# Compiler (csc.exe), can be found at the following location: %WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\csc.exe N.B. Depending upon which version of the .NET Framework t...
Given a CLLocationDistance (simply a Double representing meters), output a user-readable string: let distance = CLLocationDistance(42) let formatter = MKDistanceFormatter() let answer = formatter.stringFromDistance(distance) // answer = "150 feet" Objective-C CLLocationDistance dis...
import Mapkit Set units to one of .Default, .Metric, .Imperial, .ImperialWithYards: formatter.units = .Metric var answer = formatter.stringFromDistance(distance) // "40 m" formatter.units = .ImperialWithYards answer = formatter.stringFromDistance(distance) // "50 yards" ...
The simplest manner of defining custom behavior for individual routes would be fairly easy. In this example we use it to authenticate a user : 1) routes.js: create a new property (like requireAuth) for any desired route angular.module('yourApp').config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) ...
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; public int IncrementByRandomAmount(int input) { Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(input != null); // Don't allow null parameter. Contract.Requires<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(input < int.MaxValue); // We can't do anything if...
This example attempts to mimic the behavior of the built-in path construction operators like arc. If there is a current point, poly first draws a line to (x,y)+(r,0), otherwise it starts by moving to that point. Instead of gsave ... grestore (which has the undesirable effect of discarding the very...
Create an instance of Mobile Analytics for Bluemix. Add the Bluemix Mobile Services SDK to your iOS project. After installing the SDK, add these import statements at top of your AppDelegate.swift file: import BMSCore import BMSAnalytics Next you'll need to initialize and send mobile ana...

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