Tutorial by Examples: c

Given data Empty a we have data Cofree Empty a -- = a :< ... not possible!
Given data Const c a = Const c we have data Cofree (Const c) a = a :< Const c which is isomorphic to data Writer c a = Writer c a
Given data Identity a = Identity a we have data Cofree Identity a = a :< Identity (Cofree Identity a) which is isomorphic to data Stream a = Stream a (Stream a)
Given data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing we have data Cofree Maybe a = a :< Just (Cofree Maybe a) | a :< Nothing which is isomorphic to data NonEmpty a = NECons a (NonEmpty a) | NESingle a
Given data Writer w a = Writer w a we have data Cofree (Writer w) a = a :< (w, Cofree (Writer w) a) which is equivalent to data Stream (w,a) = Stream (w,a) (Stream (w,a)) which can properly be written as WriterT w Stream with data WriterT w m a = WriterT (m (w,a))
Given data Either e a = Left e | Right a we have data Cofree (Either e) a = a :< Left e | a :< Right (Cofree (Either e) a) which is isomorphic to data Hospitable e a = Sorry_AllIHaveIsThis_Here'sWhy a e | EatThis a (Hospitable e a) or, if yo...
Given data Reader x a = Reader (x -> a) we have data Cofree (Reader x) a = a :< (x -> Cofree (Reader x) a) which is isomorphic to data Plant x a = Plant a (x -> Plant x a) aka Moore machine.
The size of the content will be the same as that of its ScrollPane container. import javafx.scene.control.ScrollPane; //Import the ScrollPane import javafx.scene.control.ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy; //Import the ScrollBarPolicy import javafx.scene.layout.Pane; ScrollPane scrollpane; Pane con...
The size of the content will change depending on the added elements that exceed the content limits in both axes (horizontal and vertical) that can be seen by moving through the view. import javafx.scene.control.ScrollPane; //Import the ScrollPane import javafx.scene.control.ScrollPane.ScrollBar...
The appearance of the ScrollPane can be easily changed, by having some notions of "CSS" and respecting some control "properties" and of course having some "imagination". A) The elements that make up ScrollPane : B) CSS properties : .scroll-bar:vertical .track{} ...
The package clause is not directly binded with the file where it is found. It is possible to find common elements of the package clause in diferent files. For example, the package clauses bellow can be found in the file math1.scala and in the file math2.scala. File math1.scala package org { ...
Xcode have ability to run any script with hotkey. Here is example how to assign hotkey ⌘+⌥+⌃+⇧+T to open Terminal app in current project folder. Create bash script and save it in some folder #!/bin/bash # Project Name: $XcodeProject # Project Dir: $XcodeProjectPath # Workspace Dir: $X...
Data is usually perceived as something static that is entered into a database and later queried. But in many environments, data is actually more similar to a product in an assembly line, moving from one environment to another and undergoing transformations along the way. ■ OLTP: online transactio...
Debugging takes time and effort. Instead of chasing bugs with a debugger, consider spending more time on making your code better by: Write and run Tests. Python and Django have great builtin testing frameworks - that can be used to test your code much faster than manually with a debugger. Writ...
constexpr const size_t addressSize = sizeof(sockaddr_in); constexpr const uint16_t defaultPort = 80; // The port you want to use int serverSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); sockaddr_in serverAddress, clientAddress; memset(&serverAddress, 0, addressSize); serverAddress....
To display current version, we can use VERSION from @angular/core package. import { Component, VERSION } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'my-app', template: `<h1>Hello {{name}}</h1> <h2>Current Version: {{ver}}</h2> `, }) export class AppCompone...
The very first line in each of your LaTeX programs should do this. It should follow the form \documentclass{...}. What you put within the curly braces is very important. Some document classes give you extra commands to use, others use a different format, and all have specific parameters you can inp...
An Orbit Camera is one that allows the user to rotate around a central point, but while keeping a particular axis locked. This is extremely popular because it prevents the scene from getting "tilted" off-axis. This version locks the Y (vertical) axis, and allows users to Orbit, Zoom, and P...
Here's an example of a custom camera controller. This reads the position of the mouse within the client window, and then slides the camera around as if it were following the mouse on the window. index.html <html> <head> <title>Three.js Custom Mouse Camera Control Ex...
var scene = new THREE.Scene(); var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 75, window.innerWidth/window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000 ); var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer(); renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight ); document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement ); var geo...

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