Tutorial by Examples: c

Before starting with deletion I just want to put some lights on what is a Binary search tree(BST), Each node in a BST can have maximum of two nodes(left and right child).The left sub-tree of a node has a key less than or equal to its parent node's key. The right sub-tree of a node has a key greater ...
Array Implementation #include<stdio.h> #define MAX 100000 //Global variables int top = -1; int a[MAX]; void push(int x){ if(top == MAX-1){ // Check whether stack is full printf("Stack Overflow\n"); retur...
The most common way to add (and edit classes) in from the system browser In the Nautilus system browser have nothing selected or select a package (first column) or a class (second column). Depending on the selection, the code editor will display a slightly different class template: SelectionTemplat...
In Pharo everything is an object, and every object responds to messages. So if you evaluate the following code Object subclass: #MyClass the object Object will create for you its subclass called MyClass. If you don't have any particular superclass in your mind it's advised to subclass from Objec...
NetSuite uses the Script record to map the function(s) in your source file to specific events that occur in the system. For instance, if you need some business logic to run when a form is saved in the UI, the Script record will tell NetSuite which function to call when the Save Record event occurs. ...
Once we have a Script record created, we then need to deploy that script into the system. While the Script record tells NetSuite which functions to call from our source file, the Script Deployment record lets NetSuite know which records and users our Script should execute for. While the Script reco...
From VBA array sort function? Public Sub QuickSort(vArray As Variant, inLow As Long, inHi As Long) Dim pivot As Variant Dim tmpSwap As Variant Dim tmpLow As Long Dim tmpHi As Long tmpLow = inLow tmpHi = inHi pivot = vArray((inLow + inHi) \ 2) While (tmpLow <=...
This code takes advantage of the Sort class in the Microsoft Excel Object Library. For further reading, see: Copy a range to a virtual range How to copy selected range into given array? Sub testExcelSort() Dim arr As Variant InitArray arr ExcelSort arr End Sub Private Su...
:help [subject] attempts to find the "best" match for the argument you supply. The argument "can include wildcards like *, ? and [a-z] (any letter). You can additionally use Vim's command-line completion with CTRL+D: :help spli<Ctrl-D> will display a list of help topics matchi...
You can create classes without names that are not installed in the system by sending newAnonymousSubclass to a class. For example anonymousSet := Set newAnonymousSubclass will assign an anonymous subclass of Set to anonymousSet variable. Then you can compile methods in this class and instantiat...
var scene = new THREE.Scene(); var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 50); camera.position.z = 25; var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer(); renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); document.body.appendChild(renderer.domElemen...
String bucketName = "bucket"; List<String> nodes = Arrays.asList("node1","node2"); // IP or hostname of one or more nodes in the cluster Cluster cluster = CouchbaseCluster.create(nodes); Bucket bucket = cluster.openBucket(bucketName); //check for a documen...
Memory is efficiently organized in a circular queue as compared to linear queue. In Linear Queue: In Circular Queue: Remaining spaces can be used: Code for it to do the same: #include<stdio.h> #define MAX 10000 int front = -1; int rear = -1; int a[MAX]; bool isFull() { if...
For example if the input is: Output should be false: As 4 in the left sub-tree is greater than the root value(3) If the input is: Output should be true
struct tree{ int a; tree* right; tree* left; }; tree* root=NULL; void insert(tree*& in, int b){ if(in){ if(in->a<b) insert(in->right,b); else if(in->a>b) insert(in->left,b); ...
A Vector3 structure can be created in several ways. Vector3 is a struct, and as such, will typically need to be instantiated before use. Constructors There are three built in constructors for instantiating a Vector3. ConstructorResultnew Vector3()Creates a Vector3 structure with co-ordinates of...
Setup ActiveMQ Download a ActiveMQ distribution from activemq.apache.org and unpack it somewhere You can start the server immediately, running unsecured on localhost, using the script bin/activemq When it is running, you can access your local server's console on http://localhost:8161/admin/ Co...
Android Apps are written in Java. The Android SDK tools compile the code, data and resource files into an APK (Android package). Generally, one APK file contains all the content of the app. Each app runs on its own virtual machine(VM) so that app can run isolated from other apps. Android system wor...
First of all you should know that you can extend Android.Application class so you can access two important methods related with app lifecycle: OnCreate - Called when the application is starting, before any other application objects have been created (like MainActivity). OnTerminate - This...

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