Tutorial by Examples: al

The term 'heap' is a general computing term meaning an area of memory from which portions can be allocated and deallocated independently of the memory provided by the stack. In C++ the Standard refers to this area as the Free Store which is considered a more accurate term. Areas of memory allocate...
Alternate return is a facility to control the flow of execution on return from a subroutine. It is often used as a form of error handling: real x call sub(x, 1, *100, *200) print*, "Success:", x stop 100 print*, "Negative input value" stop 200 print*, "Input va...
Installing aws cli in Ubuntu / Debian Instance sudo apt-get install -y python-dev python-pip sudo pip install awscli aws --version aws configure Installing aws cli using python Using pip you can install aws cli in windows, OS X and Linux sudo pip install awscli Configuring the AWS Comman...
A subprogram (which defines a procedure), can be either a subroutine or a function; it is said to be an internal subprogram if it is called or invoked from the same program or subprogram that contains it, as follows program my_program ! declarations ! executable statements, ! among which...
A subprogram is said to be external when it is not contained in the main program, nor in a module or antoher subprogram. In particular it can be defined by means of a programming language other than Fortran. When an external subprogram is invoked, the compiler cannot access to its code, so all the ...
JSTL is part of the Java EE API and included in Java EE application servers such as WildFly, TomEE, GlassFish, but not in barebones servletcontainers such as Tomcat and Jetty. JSTL are the taglibs which you import from http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/* namespace. JSTL must not be confused with a "...
Objective-C NSString *textToShare = @"StackOverflow Documentation!! Together, we can do for Documentation what we did for Q&A."; NSURL *documentationURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://stackoverflow.com/tour/documentation"]; NSArray *objectsToShare = @[textToShare, docum...
Sometimes, you may want an @extend to be optional, and not require the specified class to exist in your code. .message-important @extend .message !optional background: red This will result in the following CSS: .message-important { background: red; } Disclaimer: This is useful duri...
You can install ServiceStack in 3 ways: Complete Visual studio templates (Self hosted) Start from scratch run ServiceStack Self hosted (Console App) Run ServiceStack inside Asp.net MVC. Complete visual studio templates You can find info about these here: https://github.com/ServiceStack/Ser...
generate sample data frames: In [57]: df3 = pd.DataFrame({'col1':[211,212,213], 'col2': [221,222,223]}) In [58]: df1 = pd.DataFrame({'col1':[11,12,13], 'col2': [21,22,23]}) In [59]: df2 = pd.DataFrame({'col1':[111,112,113], 'col2': [121,122,123]}) In [60]: df3 = pd.DataFrame({'col1':[211,2...
wget http://download.redis.io/redis-stable.tar.gz tar xvzf redis-stable.tar.gz cd redis-stable make
Given this object: var obj = { a: "hello", b: "this is", c: "javascript!", }; You can convert its values to an array by doing: var array = Object.keys(obj) .map(function(key) { return obj[key]; }); console.log(array); // [&quot...
CREATE DATABASE stackoverflow; USE stackoverflow; Create table stack( id_user int NOT NULL, username varchar(30) NOT NULL, password varchar(30) NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE stack ADD COLUMN submit date NOT NULL; -- add new column ALTER TABLE stack DROP COLUMN submit; -- drop col...
+currentCalendar returns the logical calendar for the current user. NSCalendar *calender = [NSCalendar currentCalendar]; NSLog(@"%@",calender); +autoupdatingCurrentCalendar returns the current logical calendar for the current user. NSCalendar *calender = [NSCalendar autoupdat...
- initWithCalendarIdentifier: Initializes a newly-allocated NSCalendar object for the calendar specified by a given identifier. NSCalendar *calender = [[NSCalendar alloc]initWithCalendarIdentifier:@"gregorian"]; NSLog(@"%@",calender); - setFirstWeekday: Sets the index of the...
- components:fromDate: Returns a NSDateComponents object containing a given date decomposed into specified components NSCalendar *calender = [NSCalendar autoupdatingCurrentCalendar]; [calender setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:0]]; NSLog(@"%@",[calender components:NSCale...
ob_start is especially handy when you have redirections on your page. For example, the following code won't work: Hello! <?php header("Location: somepage.php"); ?> The error that will be given is something like: headers already sent by <xxx> on line <xxx>. In or...
To start tinkering with Roslyn you will need the following NuGet packages: The C# and VB compilers - Microsoft.Net.Compilers. To install it you can run the following command in the Package Manager Console: nuget install Microsoft.Net.Compilers The Language APIs and Services - Microsoft.Co...
For the sake of this example, it is assumed the user is running Jetty as a distribution. For information on how to run Jetty as an embedded web server, please refer to the official documentation. Jetty can be downloaded from here and is available in both .zip and .gzip formats. Current versions of ...

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