Tutorial by Examples: c

You may find yourself needing to clone a row, maybe change a few attributes but you need an efficient way to keep things DRY. Laravel provides a sort of 'hidden' method to allow you to do this functionality. Though it is completely undocumented, you need to search through the API to find it. Using ...
def quicksort(arr): if len(arr) <= 1: return arr pivot = arr[len(arr) / 2] left = [x for x in arr if x < pivot] middle = [x for x in arr if x == pivot] right = [x for x in arr if x > pivot] return quicksort(left) + middle + quicksort(right) print qu...
Sherlock captures all your crashes and reports them as a notification. When you tap on the notification, it opens up an activity with all the crash details along with Device and Application info How to integrate Sherlock with your application? You just need to add Sherlock as a gradle dependency i...
CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS `backgammon`; USE `backgammon`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `user_in_game_room`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `game_users`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `user_in_game_room`; CREATE TABLE `game_users` ( `user_id` BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `first_name` VARCHAR(255) NOT N...
@SpringBootApplication @RestController public class SpringBootJdbcApplication { @Autowired private JdbcTemplate template; @RequestMapping("/cars") public List<Map<String,Object>> stocks(){ return template.queryForList("select * from c...
Consider the array declared as real x(10) Then we have three aspects of interest: The whole array x; Array elements, like x(1); Array sections, like x(2:6). Whole arrays In most cases the whole array x refers to all of the elements of the array as a single entity. It may appear in exec...
Create new script section. I call that sa(Script Anonymuos) that meens for me generate JavaScript section with anonymuous function call inside. <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { $END$ }); </script> If in your project still use old jQuery you c...
var _activitiesGridName = ''; function SetupActivityGridOnload(gridName) { var btnsToHide = [ 'AddserviceappointmentButton', 'AddcampaignresponseButton', 'AddappointmentButton' ]; _activitiesGridName = gridName; setTimeout(function () { //...
Firstly it's important to note that when a new socket is created it is assigned a unique Id which is retrieved by calling socket.id. This id can then be stored within a user object and we can assign an identifier such as a username which has been used in this example to retrieve user objects. /** ...
QBChatDialog dialog = DialogUtils.buildPrivateDialog("USER_ID of other user"); QBRestChatService.createChatDialog(dialog).performAsync(new QBEntityCallback<QBChatDialog>() { @Override public void onSuccess(QBChatDialog result, Bundle par...
This code implements a version of std::async, but it behaves as if async were always called with the deferred launch policy. This function also does not have async's special future behavior; the returned future can be destroyed without ever acquiring its value. template<typename F> auto asyn...
std::packaged_task bundles a function and the associated promise for its return type: template<typename F> auto async_deferred(F&& func) -> std::future<decltype(func())> { auto task = std::packaged_task<decltype(func())()>(std::forward<F>(func)); aut...
<h:form> <p:dialog widgetVar="myDialog"></p:dialog> <p:commandButton onclick="PF('myDialog').show();" /> </h:form>
# install sbt with homebrew (if you didn't) brew install sbt # - create a new scala project # - name your project name when asked like: hello-world sbt new sbt/scala-seed.g8 # go to the new project directory that you named cd hello-world # run sbt to open the sbt shell sbt # run you...
In general, there are two types of Bash scripts: System tools which operate from the current working directory Project tools which modify files relative to their own place in the files system For the second type of scripts, it is useful to change to the directory where the script is stored. T...
this will accept any type with a method named GetLength that takes nothing and returns an int: ((^a : (static member GetLength : int) ()))
Such a group is made of radiobuttons that share a control variable so that no more than one can be selected. # control variable var = tk.IntVar(parent, 0) # group of radiobuttons for i in range(1,4): tk.Radiobutton(parent, text='Choice %i' % i, value=i, variable=var).pack() tk.Button(p...
If constraints for std::promise and std::future are not met an exception of type std::future_error is thrown. The error code member in the exception is of type std::future_errc and values are as below, along with some test cases: enum class future_errc { broken_promise = /* the t...
How can I print hello world 5 times? 5.times{ println "hello world" }
Getting a GA Account: If you don’t have an Analytics account, create one. If you do have an Analytics account, sign in. Both options are available at google.com/analytics Setting up a property in your Analytics account: A property represents your website or app where the data gets aggrega...

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