Tutorial by Examples: c

Bukkit uses an event based system that allows plugin developers to interact with and modify the server and specific actions that occur in the world. Creating an Event Handler Event handlers are methods that get called when their event occurs. They are generally public and void as well as named o...
Since Talend 6.3 , an option in tMap allows to automatically convert types. When activated, output pattern is used as the expected input pattern to automatically convert data. First, activate the option : Then modify output pattern, used as the input pattern :
Symfony 2.8 # AppBundle\Twig\AppExtension.php <?php namespace AppBundle\Twig; class AppExtension extends \Twig_Extension { /** * This is where one defines the filters one would to use in their twig * templates * * @return Array */ public function ...
Problem Factors are used to represent variables that take values from a set of categories, known as Levels in R. For example, some experiment could be characterized by the energy level of a battery, with four levels: empty, low, normal, and full. Then, for 5 different sampling sites, those levels c...
math.js 'use strict'; const Promise = require('bluebird'); module.exports = { // example of a callback-only method callbackSum: function(a, b, callback) { if (typeof a !== 'number') return callback(new Error('"a" must be a number')); if (typeof b !== 'number...
Many recursive algorithms can be expressed using iteration. For instance, the greatest common denominator function can be written recursively: def gdc (x, y) return x if y == 0 return gdc(y, x%y) end or iteratively: def gdc_iter (x, y) while y != 0 do x, y = y, x%y end re...
To use sqlalchemy for database: from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.engine.url import URL url = URL(drivername='mysql', username='user', password='passwd', host='host', database='db') engine = create_engine(url) # sqlalchemy eng...
SharePoint 2013: Access User Profile Service Data using JSOM in SharePoint 2013 ​ In this article, we will learn to manage or access User Profile Service(UPS) Application using JSOM (Javascript Object Model) and create a basic App. Before we start, lets go through basic UPS terminology first. Us...
Getting started with Ext JS 6. Prerequisite steps: Download Sencha Cmd 6 and install it with sencha command set in environment path variables. Download trail version of Sencha SDK (ext-6.2.1.zip) and unzip it.(on location D:\ext-6.2.1) System is ready to create Extjs 6 application. Create ...
It's possible to have your own custom code styles, share them with other team members and use a shortcut to auto format the code in a file. To create your own custom code style, go to: Preferences -> Editor -> Code Style There are some general code style settings here. You can also select ...
To use typescript with webpack you need typescript and ts-loader installed npm --save-dev install typescript ts-loader Now you can configure webpack to use typescript files // webpack.config.js module.exports = { .. resolve: { // .js is required for react imports. // .tsx is ...
Block Size and Blocks in HDFS : HDFS has the concept of storing data in blocks whenever a file is loaded. Blocks are the physical partitions of data in HDFS ( or in any other filesystem, for that matter ). Whenever a file is loaded onto the HDFS, it is splitted physically (yes, the file is divi...
Dim number As Integer = 8 Select Case number Case 1 To 5 Debug.WriteLine("Between 1 and 5, inclusive") ' The following is the only Case clause that evaluates to True. Case 6, 7, 8 Debug.WriteLine("Between 6 and 8, inclu...
Note that OTP>=19 required (if you want to upgrade it using release_handler). Go to director and use rebar or rebar3. Pouriya@Jahanbakhsh ~ $ cd director rebar Pouriya@Jahanbakhsh ~/director $ rebar compile ==> director_test (compile) Compiled src/director.erl Pouriya@Jahanbakhsh ~/di...
rebar: Pouriya@Jahanbakhsh ~/director $ rebar doc rebar3: Pouriya@Jahanbakhsh ~/director $ rebar3 edoc erl Pouriya@Jahanbakhsh ~/director $ mkdir -p doc && erl -noshell\ -eval "edoc:file(\"./src/direc...
Example using JsonCoverter to deserialize the runtime property from the api response into a Timespan Object in the Movies model JSON (http://www.omdbapi.com/?i=tt1663662) { Title: "Pacific Rim", Year: "2013", Rated: "PG-13", Released: "12 Jul ...
Users may face the following issue: log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (dao.hsqlmanager). log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. log4j:WARN See http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/faq.html#noconfig for more info. One reason this can occur is if the log4j.prop...
Before checking the specific syntax, let's take a look on how to setup your environment to load needed plugins. Setup To load data directly from ElasticSearch you need to download the elasticsearch-hadoop plugin. You have different ways to make it work, for a quick setup you can do the following. ...
section .data msg db 'Hello, world!', 0xA len equ $ - msg section .text global _main _main: mov rax, 0 ; This will be the current number mov rcx, 10 ; This will be the last number _loop: cmp rax, rcx jl .loopbody ; Jump to .loopbody if rax < rcx jge _e...

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