Tutorial by Examples: c

If we want our app data to be protected against iTunes backups, we have to skip our app data from being backed up in iTunes. Whenever iOS device backed up using iTunes on macOS, all the data stored by all the apps is copied in that backup and stored on backing computer. But we can exclude our app ...
Component: <md2-select [(ngModel)]="item" (change)="change($event)" [disabled]="disabled"> <md2-option *ngFor="let i of items" [value]="i.value" [disabled]="i.disabled"> {{i.name}}</md2-option> </md2-select> ...
Assume that, we implement a simple API and we have the following models. class Parent(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=50) class Child(models.Model): parent = models.ForeignKey(Parent) child_name = models.CharField(max_length=80) And we want to return a respo...
Datepicker allow the user to select date and time. <md2-datepicker [(ngModel)]="date"></md2-datepicker> see for more details here
Md2Collapse : Collapse is a directive, it's allow the user to toggle visiblity of the section. Examples A collapse would have the following markup. <div [collapse]="isCollapsed"> Lorum Ipsum Content </div> Md2Accordion : Accordion it's allow the user to toggle vis...
DirectByteBuffer is special implementation of ByteBuffer that has no byte[] laying underneath. We can allocate such ByteBuffer by calling: ByteBuffer directBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(16); This operation will allocate 16 bytes of memory. The contents of direct buffers may reside outside ...
creating custom exception 'P2222': create or replace function s164() returns void as $$ begin raise exception using message = 'S 164', detail = 'D 164', hint = 'H 164', errcode = 'P2222'; end; $$ language plpgsql ; creating custom exception not assigning errm: create or replace function s...
copy (select oid,relname from pg_class limit 5) to stdout;
This example shows you different ways to execute 'commands' for Minecraft from code: EntityPlayerSP player = Minecraft.getMinecraft().player; player.sendChatMessage("/Command here"); to send a command in SinglePlayer
Function using promises: function myAsyncFunction() { return aFunctionThatReturnsAPromise() // doSomething is a sync function .then(result => doSomething(result)) .catch(handleError); } So here is when Async/Await enter in action in order to get clean...
This covers how you can create a basic 2D game using SurfaceView. First, we need an activity: public class GameLauncher extends AppCompatActivity { private Game game; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle sis){ super.onCreate(sis); game = new Game(GameLauncher....
Prerequisites : ChromeDriver is downloaded Copy the following code into your class. public static void main(String[] args) { System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", "path of the exe file\\chromedriver.exe"); } If you're using linux, give the path to the ChromeDri...
Intoduction Object Oriented Programming (mostly referred as OOP) is a programming paradigm for solving problems. The beauty an OO (object oriented) program, is that we think about the program as a bunch of objects communicating with each other, instead of as a sequential script following specific ...
`To calculate 1D convolution by hand, you slide your kernel over the input, calculate the element-wise multiplications and sum them up. The easiest way is for padding=0, stride=1 So if your input = [1, 0, 2, 3, 0, 1, 1] and kernel = [2, 1, 3] the result of the convolution is [8, 11, 7, 9, 4], whic...
Now we will apply a strided convolution to our previously described padded example and calculate the convolution where p = 1, s = 2 Previously when we used strides = 1, our slided window moved by 1 position, with strides = s it moves by s positions (you need to calculate s^2 elements less. But in...
Parallel Testing with Appium using GRID: I will describe the way which worked for me. Create Selenium Grid with Appium Setup the selenium grid Download selenium standalone server jar on local file system Open your terminal and navigate to the directory to where you placed the jar file and exe...
What Are Notification Channels? Notification channels enable us app developers to group our notifications into groups—channels—with the user having the ability to modify notification settings for the entire channel at once. For example, for each channel, users can completely block all notifications...
Public: public val name = "Avijit" Private: private val name = "Avijit" Protected: protected val name = "Avijit" Internal: internal val name = "Avijit"
The following permissions are required to use the Bluetooth APIs: android.permission.BLUETOOTH android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN If you're targeting devices with Android 6.0 (API Level 23) or higher and want to perform scanning/advertising operations you will require a Location permission: a...
Once you have discovered a desired BluetoothDevice object, you can connect to it by using its connectGatt() method which takes as parameters a Context object, a boolean indicating whether to automatically connect to the BLE device and a BluetoothGattCallback reference where connection events and cli...

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