Tutorial by Examples: c

Blogger is a blog-publishing service by Google.
Developers often need to design web sites that allow users to upload a CSV file. Usually there is no reason to save the actual CSV file since the data will processed and/or stored in a database once uploaded. However, many if not most, PYTHON methods of parsing CSV data requires the data to be rea...
You can perform the same change instead of using Vue.$set by using the Array prototype's splice() new Vue({ el: '#app', data:{ myArr : ['apple', 'orange', 'banana', 'grapes'] }, methods:{ changeArrayItem: function(){ //this will not work ...
new Vue({ el: '#app', data:{ myArr : [ { name: 'object-1', nestedArr: ['apple', 'banana'] }, { name: 'object-2', nestedArr: ['grapes', 'orange'] } ] ...
If we want to look at a scene as if we had photographed it with a camera, we must first define some things: The position from which the scene is viewed, the eye position pos. The point we look at in the scene (target). It is also common to define the direction in which we look. Technically we n...
To define your own menu, create an XML file inside your project's res/menu/ directory and build the menu with the following elements: <menu> : Defines a Menu, which holds all the menu items. <item> : Creates a MenuItem, which represents a single item in a menu. We can also create a n...
Drupal console brings scaffolding to the Drupal ecosystem and makes it easy to generate a content entity. In most instances you will find it easier to work with a custom entity within a custom module. Step 1 : Generate a module vendor/bin/drupal generate:module Follow the prompts and create yo...
To list all the packages installed in ubuntu, type below command $ apt list --installed Output will show all the installed packages. Listing... Done accountsservice/trusty-updates,now 0.6.35-0ubuntu7.3 i386 [installed] acl/trusty,now 2.2.52-1 i386 [installed,automatic] acpid/trusty,...
A search request can be executed purely using a URI by providing request parameters. Not all search options are exposed when executing a search using this mode, but it can be handy for quick "curl tests". GET Index/type/_search?q=field:value Another useful feature provided is highlight...
The most basic implementation of a union-find data structure consists of an array parent storing the a parent element for every element of the structure. Following these parent 'pointers' for an element i leads us to the representative j = find(i) of the set containing i, where parent[j] = j holds....
If we do many merge operations on a union-find data structure, the paths represented by the parent pointers might be quite long. Path compression, as already described in the theory part, is a simple way of mitigating this issue. We might try to do path compression on the whole data structure after...
If you do not see any logging, you can check if Configure() is called in your application. The easiest way is to add it as an attribute to your assembly: [assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(Watch = true)] Then you do not have to add log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.Configure() anywhere in y...
This is shortest, easiest and most commonly used method. Unfortunately, it has one major limitation - cannot be used on searches with more than 4000 results (rows). // Assume that 'N/search' module is included as 'search' var s = search.create({ type : search.Type.TRANSACTIO...
PagedData is an object, returned by the Search.runPaged(options) method. It works exactly as the UI searches do. PagedData object contains 2 important properties, that you can see on the right side of results header in search results page in Netsuite UI: count (the total number of the results) p...
For really huge search results, you can use dedicated Map/Reduce script. It is much more inconvenient, but sometimes unavoidable. And sometimes could be very handy. The trick here is, that in Get Input Data stage, you can provide to the NS engine not the actual data (i.e. script result), but just t...
Consider the following HTML markup: <section> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum.</p> <p>...
Configuration First, create a file called Package.swift. This is the file that tells swift compiler where the libraries are located. In this hello world example, we are using GitHub repos. We need Kitura and HeliumLogger. Put the following code inside Package.swift. It specified the name of the pro...
PROGRAM zprogram MESSAGE-ID sabapdemos. System-defined message may be stored in a message class. The MESSAGE-ID token defines the message class sabapdemos for the entire program. If this is not used, the message class must be specified on each MESSAGE call.
PROGRAM zprogram. ... MESSAGE i050(sabapdemos). It may be inconvenient to define a message class for the entire program, so it is possible to define the message class that the message comes from in the MESSAGE statement itself. This example will display message 050 from the message class sabapd...
DATA: msgid TYPE sy-msgid VALUE 'SABAPDEMOS', msgty TYPE sy-msgty VALUE 'I', msgno TYPE sy-msgno VALUE '050'. MESSAGE ID mid TYPE mtype NUMBER num. The MESSAGE call above is synonymous to the call MESSAGE i050(sapdemos)..

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