Tutorial by Examples

This guide assumes you have already installed react, redux, react-router and react-redux and have configured react, redux and react-router., If you haven't, Please do so. Note: While react-router in not a dependency of react-redux, It's very likely that we will using it in our react application for...
php bin/magento setup:upgrade => Setup Upgrade php bin/magento setup:di:compile => Setup: Compile php bin/magento indexer:reindex => Reindex php bin/magento cache:flush => Clear Cache php bin/magento deploy:mode:set...
QTimer add the functionality to have a specific function/slot called after a certain interval (repeatedly or just once). The QTimer thus allows a GUI application to "check" things regularly or handle timeouts without having to manually start an extra thread for this and be careful about r...
Decorator pattern adds behavior to objects without affecting other objects of the same class. The decorator pattern is a useful alternative to creating sub-classes. Create a module for each decorator. This approach is more flexible than inheritance because you can mix and match responsibilities in ...
This section should list, at least, the out of the box sql functions that come with Teradata Database and also list where there are differences between TD and the ANSI standard.
Java Source Code import org.opencv.core.Core; import org.opencv.core.Core.MinMaxLocResult; import org.opencv.core.Mat; import org.opencv.core.Point; import org.opencv.core.Scalar; import org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs; import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc; public class TemplateMatching { ...
In Rust, there is no concept of "inheriting" the properties of a struct. Instead, when you are designing the relationship between objects do it in a way that one's functionality is defined by an interface (a trait in Rust). This promotes composition over inheritance, which is considered mo...
You should have the basic express-generator template In app.js, add(you can add it anywhere after var app = express.app()): app.post(function(req, res, next){ next(); }); Now in your index.js file (or its respective match), add: router.get('/ajax', function(req, res){ res.render('aj...
This UNION ALL combines data from multiple tables and serve as a table name alias to use for your queries: SELECT YEAR(date_time_column), MONTH(date_time_column), MIN(DATE(date_time_column)), MAX(DATE(date_time_column)), COUNT(DISTINCT (ip)), COUNT(ip), (COUNT(ip) / COUNT(DISTINCT (ip))) AS Ratio ...
Dockerization of ASP.NET Application requires a Dockerfile for configuration and running it as a docker container. FROM microsoft/dotnet:latest RUN apt-get update && apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev COPY . /app WORKDIR /app RUN ["dotnet", "restore"] ...
"Data": { "DefaultConnection": { "ConnectionString": "Host=localhost;Username=postgres;Password=******;Database=postgres;Port=5432;Pooling=true;" } },
It is nessecary to have .NET or a mono-aspnet package. It is important to understand the importance of dockerization. Install dotnet on ubuntu or the OS you are working on. Installing DOTNET $ sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] https://apt-mo.trafficmanager.net/repos/dotnet-release/ trusty m...
First of all, the problem of handling spaces in arguments is NOT actually a Java problem. Rather it is a problem that needs to be handled by the command shell that you are using when you run a Java program. As an example, let us suppose that we have the following simple program that prints the siz...
Go to Codeship.com and create an account (or login) Create a new project Import your project via Github or Bitbucket On the screen "Configure Your Tests" use these commands: Select "I want to create my own custom commands" from the "Select your technology to prepop...
Write some tests Install dispatch:mocha-phantomjs: meteor add dispatch:mocha-phantomjs Add a test-command to your package.json. { "name": "awesome meteor package", "scripts": { "test": "meteor test --driver-package dispatch:mocha-...
At first, You should create database with mysql, phpMyAdmin, HeidiSQL or another instruments to work with Database and let user create new one. After that procedure, You should provide access to database for project. You need to go into file /path/to/your/project/config/app.php,then look up for Da...
Sinse structs are value types all the data is copied on assignment, and any modification to the new copy does not change the data for the original copy. The code snippet below shows that p1 is copied to p2 and changes made on p1 does not affect p2 instance. var p1 = new Point { x = 1, y =...
We make use of Dispatches great Meteor Github Packages (mgp) package: npm install --save mgp Then, add the following command to your package.json scripts: "mgp": "mgp" Create a file named git-packages.json in your project root. Add a config for every (private) Meteor Gith...
Append the following command to the Codeship setup commands: meteor npm run mgp Now, we need to give Codeship access to these private repositories. There is a Codeship documentation article describing this process in detail but here are the steps that you have to take for Github: Create a new...
Create a deployment_token.json: METEOR_SESSION_FILE=deployment_token.json meteor login Create the following environment variables on Codeship: (https://codeship.com/projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/configure_environment) METEOR_TARGET: your.domain.com METEOR_TOKEN: Copy/Paste the contents o...

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