Tutorial by Examples: and

Some of the most common commands include: Fractions and Square Roots: For fractions, use \frac {numerator}{denominator}. For square roots, use \sqrt[root]{number}. Greek letters: use the commands given in the table below: Operators: \leq gives the less than or equal to symbol, \geq gives ...
ls shows files and directories in present working directory. (if no arguments are passed.) (It doesn't show hidden files which starts with . by default.) user@ubuntu14:/usr$ ls bin games include lib lib32 local sbin share src To see all files (hidden files/folders also). Use ls -a OR l...
Get last segment echo end($this->uri->segment_array()); //it will print others Get before last segment echo $this->uri->segment(count($this->uri->segment_array())-1); //it will print how-can-i-do-this More info: [http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9221164/code-igniter-get-b...
SELECT MAX(Id) FROM Employees -- Display the value of Id in the last row in Employees table. GO INSERT INTO Employees (FName, LName, PhoneNumber) -- Insert a new row VALUES ('John', 'Smith', '25558696525') GO SELECT @@IDENTITY GO SELECT MAX(Id) FROM Employees -- Display the value of Id...
h = 1.0 / n; #pragma omp parallel private(x) shared(n, h) { double thread_area = 0; // Private / local variable #pragma omp for for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { x = h * (i - 0.5); thread_area += (4.0 / (1.0 + x*x)); } #pragma omp atomic ...
pages/main.component.ts import {Component, ElementRef, ViewChild} from "@angular/core"; import {View} from "ui/core/view"; import {AnimationCurve} from "ui/enums"; @Component({ selector: "main", template: ` <StackLayout> ...
The keywords can also create scopes in order to (un)check multiple operations. short m = 32767; short n = 32767; checked { int result1 = (short)(m + n); //will throw an OverflowException } unchecked { int result2 = (short)(m + n); // will return -2 }
set wildmenu to turn on completion suggestions for command line. Execute the following set wildmenu set wildmode=list:longest,full Now if you do say, :colortab, You'll get 256-jungle Benokai BlackSea C64 CandyPaper Chasing_Logic ChocolateLiquor :color 0x7A69_dark
.server - create a debugging server .clients - list debugging clients connected to the server .endsrv - end a debugging server .servers - list debugging server connections .remote - start a remote.exe server .noshell - prevent shell commands
project structure (ansible best practice). project/ group_vars/ development inventory.development playbook.yaml it all starts with inventory.development [development] dev.fakename.io [development:vars] ansible_host: ansible_user: dev ansible_pass: pass ansible...
DirectiveDefaultContextDescriptionRewriteBaseNoneDirectory, .htaccessSets base URL for per directory rewriteRewriteEngineoffeverywhereEnable or disable runtime rewrite engine RewriteBase The directive specifies URL prefix to be used for substituting relative paths. RewriteEngine The directive, i...
Getting Started You must do the following to get started with Pygame: import pygame This opens a window of size 640,480, and stores it in a variable called screen. Setting up a window name Setting up a name for the pygame window requires the following syntax: pygame.display.set_caption('Name...
First, add a reference to <EEPROM.h> at the start of your sketch: #include <EEPROM.h> Then your other code: // Stores value in a particular address in EEPROM. There are almost 512 addresses present. // Store value 24 to Address 0 in EEPROM int addr = 0; int val = 24...
In the example project.json below, an assembly Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework was added which is mscorlib based. { "version": "1.0.0-*", "dependencies": { "Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework": "2.2.1", ...
Targeting multiple frameworks with project.json is simple. However the result are two different compilations. Take the following example: { "version": "1.0.0-*", "dependencies": { "NETStandard.Library": "1.6.0", "...
Another popular error is the referring of packages which does not satisfy all framework on the global scope when multiple frameworks are targeted. { "version": "1.0.0-*", "dependencies": { "NETStandard.Library": "1.6.0", ...
Scala offers implicit conversions between all the major collection types in the JavaConverters object. The following type conversions are bidirectional. Scala TypeJava TypeIteratorjava.util.IteratorIteratorjava.util.EnumerationIteratorjava.util.IterableIteratorjava.util.Collectionmutable.Bufferjav...
This is a statusbar that you see on top of your screen with icons of battry,clock ... . let frame = require("ui/frame"); Hide: frame.topmost().android.activity.getWindow(). getDecorView().setSystemUiVisibility(android.view.View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN); Show: frame.topmost()....
open APP_Resources/values/styles.xml and add the <item name="android:windowTranslucentStatus">true</item> in the <style name="AppThemeBase" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar"> </style> section.
-v, --version Added in: v0.1.3 Print node's version. -h, --help Added in: v0.1.3 Print node command line options. The output of this option is less detailed than this document. -e, --eval "script" Added in: v0.5.2 Evaluate the following argument as JavaScript. The modules whi...

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