Tutorial by Examples

Here is the JSON File we will be using called animals.json { "Sea Animals": [ { "name": "Fish", "question": "How many species of fish are there?" }, { "name": "Sharks", ...
What is Profiling? By definition Profiling is a form of dynamic program analysis that measures, for example, the space (memory) or time complexity of a program, the usage of particular instructions, or the frequency and duration of function calls. Why is it necessary? Profiling is important becau...
It is not a good idea to expose Option types to C# code, as C# does not have a way to handle them. The options are either to introduce FSharp.Core as a dependency in your C# project (which is what you'd have to do if you're consuming an F# library not designed for interop with C#), or to change None...
// If you find yourself doing something like this... function fieldChanged(type, name, index) { if (name == 'salesrep') { var salesRepId = nlapiGetFieldValue('salesrep'); var salesRepEmail = nlapiLookupField('employee', salesRepId, 'email'); nlapiSetFieldValue('custb...
Package Control - Download/Install this plugin to install and manage all your other plugins in sublime. Git - Keeps track of your git versioning system. Also enables you to execute some git commands from ST itself. GitGutter - With GitGutter, you can see which lines have been added, deleted or m...
Framebuffer is a type of buffer which stores color values, depth and stencil information of pixels in memory. When you draw something in OpenGL the output is stored in the default framebuffer and then you actually see the color values of this buffer on screen. You can also make your own framebuffer ...
The iv is prefixed to the encrypted data aesCBC128Encrypt will create a random IV and prefixed to the encrypted code. aesCBC128Decrypt will use the prefixed IV during decryption. Inputs are the data and key are Data objects. If an encoded form such as Base64 if required convert to and/or from in ...
PHP has no support for running code concurrently unless you install extensions such as pthread. This can be sometimes bypassed by using proc_open() and stream_set_blocking() and reading their output asynchronously. If we split code into smaller chunks we can run it as multiple suprocesses. Then usi...
It is a basic human instinct to assess risk and to accept or take some kind of action on that risk. This is the essence of security, which is the body of knowledge that provides a framework around this instinct. Security defines three key concepts in a triangular paradigm - Confidentiality, Integri...
CALL is also a way to extend COBOL functionality, and also to allow the reusability of code. It can also give access to "system" functionality. This example illustrates ways to provide "sleep" functionality to IBM Mainframe COBOLs. Bear in mind that the requirement to do so is r...
OS: Mac OS X 10.11 (Should work on Windows / Linux since we are using Vagrant) Vagrant 1.8.4 Installed Directory Structure on Host OS (Mac OS): /path/to/project /provision /packages Note: If you use different vesions, be sure to update Variables at top of provision.sh script b...
This Example assumes you setup as explained in Example: Setting Up Environment for aurelia-cli Explained of this document. Creating a new project In main host os, open terminal (Mac OS in my case) $cd /path/to/project/vagrant $vagrant up (Launches VM GUI) Log into VM via UI U...
Environment This Example assumes you setup as explained in Example: Setting Up Environment for Aurelia-cli Explained of this document. Summary of setup: On Mac OS X with Vagrant 1.8.4 $cd /path/to/project/vagrant $vagrant up Log into VM via UI as User:vagrant / PW:vagrant $cd /home/vagrant/...
Aspx <asp:DataList runat="server" CssClass="sample" RepeatLayout="Flow" ID="dlsamplecontent" RepeatDirection="Vertical" OnItemCommand="dlsamplecontent_ItemCommand"> <ItemStyle CssClass="tdContainer" /> ...
// Must enable the feature to use associated constants #![feature(associated_consts)] use std::mem; // Associated constants can be used to add constant attributes to types trait Foo { const ID: i32; } // All implementations of Foo must define associated constants // unless a defaul...
There are very good configurations to force typings and get more helpful errors which are not activated by default. { "compilerOptions": { "alwaysStrict": true, // Parse in strict mode and emit "use strict" for each source file. // If you have wrong c...
Use the below command to check the replica set status. Command : rs.status() Connect any one of replica member and fire this command it will give the full state of the replica set Example : { "set" : "ReplicaName", "date" : ISODate("2016-09-26T07:3...
Sharding Group Members : For sharding there are three players. Config Server Replica Sets Mongos For a mongo shard we need to setup the above three servers. Config Server Setup : add the following to mongod conf file sharding: clusterRole: configsvr replication: replSe...
Sql Server 2016+ and Azure Sql database enables you to automatically filter rows that are returned in select statement using some predicate. This feature is called Row-level security. First, you need a table-valued function that contains some predicate that describes what it the condition that will...

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