Tutorial by Examples

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Main is task My_Task; task body My_Task is begin for I in 1 .. 4 loop Put_Line ("Hello from My_Task"); end loop; end; begin Put_Line ("Hello from Main"); end; Result The order of Put...
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Main is task My_Task; task body My_Task is begin for I in 1 .. 4 loop Put_Line ("Hello from My_Task"); end loop; end; begin for I in 1 .. 4 loop Put_Line ("Hello from Main"); e...
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Main is task My_Task_1; task My_Task_2; task body My_Task_1 is begin for I in 1 .. 4 loop Put_Line ("Hello from My_Task_1"); end loop; end; task body My_Task_2 is begin for ...
a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # steps through the list backwards (step=-1) b = a[::-1] # built-in list method to reverse 'a' a.reverse() if a = b: print(True) print(b) # Output: # True # [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
def shift_list(array, s): """Shifts the elements of a list to the left or right. Args: array - the list to shift s - the amount to shift the list ('+': right-shift, '-': left-shift) Returns: shifted_array - the shifted list "&quo...
One drawback of creating private method in Javascript is memory-inefficient because a copy of the private method will be created every time a new instance is created. See this simple example. function contact(first, last) { this.firstName = first; this.lastName = last; this.mobile; ...
USER_SOURCE describes the text source of the stored objects owned by the current user. This view does not display the OWNER column. select * from user_source where type='TRIGGER' and lower(text) like '%order%' ALL_SOURCE describes the text source of the stored objects accessible to the current ...
select owner, table_name from all_tables ALL_TAB_COLUMNS describes the columns of the tables, views, and clusters accessible to the current user. COLS is a synonym for USER_TAB_COLUMNS. select * from all_tab_columns where table_name = :tname
All roles granted to user. select * from dba_role_privs where grantee= :username Privileges granted to user: system privileges select * from dba_sys_privs where grantee = :username object grants select * from dba_tab_privs where grantee = :username Permissions grante...
select * from v$version
Detailed instructions on getting audio set up or installed.
Query store can be enabled on database by using the following command: ALTER DATABASE tpch SET QUERY_STORE = ON SQL Server/Azure SQL Database will collect information about executed queries and provide information in sys.query_store views: sys.query_store_query sys.query_store_query_text sy...
The following query will return informationa about qeries, their plans and average statistics regarding their duration, CPU time, physical and logical io reads. SELECT Txt.query_text_id, Txt.query_sql_text, Pl.plan_id, avg_duration, avg_cpu_time, avg_physical_io_reads, avg_logica...
If you want to remove some query or query plan from query store, you can use the following commands: EXEC sp_query_store_remove_query 4; EXEC sp_query_store_remove_plan 3; Parameters for these stored procedures are query/plan id retrieved from system views. You can also just remove execution ...
SQL Query optimizer will choose the baes possible plan that he can find for some query. If you can find some plan that works optimally for some query, you can force QO to always use that plan using the following stored procedure: EXEC sp_query_store_unforce_plan @query_id, @plan_id From this poi...
While declaring a function in the $rootscope has it's advantages, we can also declare a $scope function any part of the code that is injected by the $scope service. Controller, for instance. Controller myApp.controller('myController', ['$scope', function($scope){ $scope.myFunction = function ...
ObservableCollection is a collection of type T like List<T> which means that it holds objects of type T. From documentation we read that : ObservableCollectionrepresents a dynamic data collection that provides notifications when items get added, removed, or when the entire list is refres...
files = list.files(pattern="*.csv") data_list = lapply(files, read.table, header = TRUE) This read every file and adds it to a list. Afterwards, if all data.frame have the same structure they can be combined into one big data.frame: df <- do.call(rbind, data_list)
LINQ extension methods on IEnumerable<T> take actual methods1, whether anonymous methods: //C# Func<int,bool> fn = x => x > 3; var list = new List<int>() {1,2,3,4,5,6}; var query = list.Where(fn); 'VB.NET Dim fn = Function(x As Integer) x > 3 Dim list = New List F...

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