Tutorial by Examples: accessi

Pair allows us to treat two objects as one object. Pairs can be easily constructed with the help of template function std::make_pair. Alternative way is to create pair and assign its elements (first and second) later. #include <iostream> #include <utility> int main() { std::p...
Xamarin.Forms provide great mechanism for styling your cross-platforms application with global styles. In mobile world your application must be pretty and stand out from the other applications. One of this characters is Custom Fonts used in application. With power support of XAML Styling in Xamar...
Individual elements can be accessed through indexes. Python arrays are zero-indexed. Here is an example : my_array = array('i', [1,2,3,4,5]) print(my_array[1]) # 2 print(my_array[2]) # 3 print(my_array[0]) # 1
<!-- file.xml --> <people> <person id="101"> <name>Jon Lajoie</name> <age>22</age> </person> <person id="102"> <name>Lord Gaben</name> <age>65</age> ...
The FileSystem API of Java 7 allows to read and add entries from or to a Zip file using the Java NIO file API in the same way as operating on any other filesystem. The FileSystem is a resource that should be properly closed after use, therefore the try-with-resources block should be used. Reading ...
In C#, an array name and a pointer to a data type same as the array data, are not the same variable type. For example, int *p and int[] p, are not same type. You can increment the pointer variable p because it is not fixed in memory but an array address is fixed in memory, and you can't increment th...
Docstrings are - unlike regular comments - stored as an attribute of the function they document, meaning that you can access them programmatically. An example function def func(): """This is a function that does nothing at all""" return The docstring can ...
There are three ways you can access the Unity Asset Store: Open the Asset Store window by selecting Window→Asset Store from the main menu within Unity. Use the Shortcut key (Ctrl+9 on Windows / ⌘9 on Mac OS) Browse the web interface: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/ You may be prompted to...
Accessing the array of calendars To access the array of EKCalendars, we use the calendarsForEntityType method: Swift let calendarsArray = eventStore.calendarsForEntityType(EKEntityType.Event) as! [EKCalendar] Iterating through calendars Just use a simple for loop: Swift for calendar in cale...
Applying a filter To access contacts, we should apply a filter of type NSPredicate to our contactStore variable which we defined it in Authorizing Contact Access example. For example, here we want to sort out contacts with name matching with our own: Swift let predicate = CNContact.predicateForCo...
Here are a simple example of some common tasks related to developing an API, differentiating between the HTTP Method of the request, accessing query string values and accessing the request body. Resources http.Handler interface http.ResponseWriter http.Request Available Method and Status cons...
All UI elements created and reside in the main thread of a program. Accessing these from another thread is forbidden by the .net framework runtime. Basically it is because all UI elements are thread sensitive resources and accessing a resource in a multi-threaded environment requires to be thread-sa...
Sometimes we have requirement of parsing pages, but doing so requires you to be an authorised user. Here is an example which shows you how to do in oracle sign in. import sys import requests import json from bs4 import BeautifulSoup def mprint(x): sys.stdout.write(x) print re...
You cannot access any GUI components from the BackgroudWorker. For example if you try to do something like this Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(sender As Object, e As DoWorkEventArgs) TextBox1.Text = "Done" End Sub you will receive a runtime error saying that "Cross-thr...
Once you have a query, you can do more with it than just iterating the results in a for loop. Setup: from datetime import date class User(Base): __tablename__ = 'users' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(Text, nullable=False) birthday = Column(Date) # ...
var renderer = Platform.GetRenderer(visualElement); if (renderer == null) { renderer = Platform.CreateRenderer(visualElement); Platform.SetRenderer(visualElement, renderer); } DoSomeThingWithRender(render); // now you can do whatever you want with render
Occasionally you will want to access the result of your filters from outside the ng-repeat, perhaps to indicate the number of items that have been filtered out. You can do this using as [variablename] syntax on the ng-repeat. <ul> <li ng-repeat="item in vm.listItems | filter:vm.myF...
Sometimes, it can be useful to import functions and structs relatively without having to use something with its absolute path in your project. To achieve this, you can use the module super, like so: fn x() -> u8 { 5 } mod example { use super::x; fn foo() { println!(...
TextBox txt = (TextBox)FindControl(yourtxt_Id);
You can technically access the Google Analytics APIs using any programing language that can handle a HTTP Post or HTTP Get request. That being said, Google has also created a number of official standard client libraries to help you with this. Using a standard client library for your chosen programm...

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