Tutorial by Examples: accessi

// gets the Class objects from the net.mminecraft.server package with the given name public Class<?> getNmsClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException { // explode the Server interface implementation's package name into its components String[] packageArray = Bukkit.getServer()....
One of the most critical parts of dealing with NMS code is being able to support mulitple Minecraft versions. There are numerous ways to do this, but a simple solution is to use this code to store the version as a public static field: public static final String NMS_VERSION = Bukkit.getServer().getC...
This will be our example data frame: df = pd.DataFrame({"color": ['red', 'blue', 'red', 'blue']}, index=[True, False, True, False]) color True red False blue True red False blue Accessing with .loc df.loc[True] color True red True red ...
This example shows how you might handle users interacting with modals on a 1-1 basis. //client side function modals(socket) { this.sendModalOpen = (modalIdentifier) => { socket.emit('openedModal', { modal: modalIdentifier }); }; this.closeModa...
Most of the web applications use the session object to store some important information. This examples show how you can test such application using Flask-Testing. Full working example is also available on github. So first install Flask-Testing in your virtualenv pip install flask_testing To be ...
An instantiated system can be accessed through the scene: document.querySelector('a-scene').systems[systemName]; Registered system prototypes can be accessed through AFRAME.systems.
A component’s members and methods can be accessed through the entity from the .components object. Look up the component from the entity’s map of components, and we’ll have access to the component’s internals. Consider this example component: AFRAME.registerComponent('foo', { init: function () { ...
To get the contents of a form that is submitted with method="post", use the post property: $name = $request->request->get('name');
$id = $request->cookies->get('PHPSESSID'); This will return the value of the 'PHPSESSID' cookie sent by the browser.
We now need to access to our declared resources, in order to do that from XAML code we use {ThemeResource ResourceKey} or {StaticResource ResourceKey} to be continued later.
Accessing the 3rd element of the first subarray: my_array[1][2]
On the shoulders of the low level drivers, there is pomm. It proposes a modular approach, data converters, listen/notify support, database inspector and much more. Assuming, Pomm has been installed using composer, here is a complete example: <?php use PommProject\Foundation\Pomm; $loader = re...
Let's assume you got an html after selecting with soup.find('div', class_='base class'): from bs4 import BeautifulSoup soup = BeautifulSoup(SomePage, 'lxml') html = soup.find('div', class_='base class') print(html) <div class="base class"> <div>Sample text 1</div...

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