Tutorial by Examples: all

Downloading Prerequisites: We provide native 64-bit binaries for Windows 7 and above. A 64-bit version of Windows is required. Download the ZIP archive and unpack it in a directory of your choice. The Windows port of RethinkDB is a recent addition and hasn't received as much tuning as the Linux a...
C source file gcc -Wall -Wextra -o main main.c C++ source file g++ -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion -Woverloaded-virtual -o main main.cpp
Create horizontal lines with a label. This could be used to show notable values in the chart data (e.g. min, max, average). JSFiddle Demo var horizonalLinePlugin = { afterDraw: function(chartInstance) { var yScale = chartInstance.scales["y-axis-0"]; var canvas = chartInstance...
Start by downloading the latest stable release from https://hive.apache.org/downloads.html -> Now untar the file with $ tar -xvf hive-2.x.y-bin.tar.gz -> Create a directory in the /usr/local/ with $ sudo mkdir /usr/local/hive -> Move the file to root with $ mv ~/Downloads/hive-2.x.y /...
Dependency installation ( https://www.npmjs.com/package/gulp-imagemin ) $ npm install --save-dev gulp-imagemin Usage /* * Your other dependencies. */ var imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin'); /* * `gulp images` - Run lossless compression on all the images. */ gulp.task('images', f...
#lang racket (for ([path (in-directory)] #:when (regexp-match? #rx"[.]rkt$" path)) (printf "source file: ~a\n" path)) The #lang line specifies the programming language of this file. #lang racket we are using the baseline, battery-included Racket programming language. O...
To enable a CORS policy across all of your MVC controllers you have to build the policy in the AddCors extension within the ConfigureServices method and then set the policy on the CorsAuthorizationFilterFactory using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Cors.Internal; ... pub...
When publishing Sitecore item programmatically the developer should keep in mind that Sitecore could be configured for several publishing targets, as well that several languages could be defined for item. ID targetDatabaseFieldId = ID.Parse("{39ECFD90-55D2-49D8-B513-99D15573DE41}"); ...
With Ruby you can modify the structure of the program in execution time. One way to do it, is by defining methods dynamically using the method method_missing. Let's say that we want to be able to test if a number is greater than other number with the syntax 777.is_greater_than_123?. # open Numeric...
The simplest approach to parallel reduction in CUDA is to assign a single block to perform the task: static const int arraySize = 10000; static const int blockSize = 1024; __global__ void sumCommSingleBlock(const int *a, int *out) { int idx = threadIdx.x; int sum = 0; for (int i ...
Doing parallel reduction for a non-commutative operator is a bit more involved, compared to commutative version. In the example we still use a addition over integers for the simplicity sake. It could be replaced, for example, with matrix multiplication which really is non-commutative. Note, when ...
Multi-block approach to parallel reduction in CUDA poses an additional challenge, compared to single-block approach, because blocks are limited in communication. The idea is to let each block compute a part of the input array, and then have one final block to merge all the partial results. To do t...
Multi-block approach to parallel reduction is very similar to the single-block approach. The global input array must be split into sections, each reduced by a single block. When a partial result from each block is obtained, one final block reduces these to obtain the final result. sumNoncommSin...
Sometimes the reduction has to be performed on a very small scale, as a part of a bigger CUDA kernel. Suppose for example, that the input data has exactly 32 elements - the number of threads in a warp. In such scenario a single warp can be assigned to perform the reduction. Given that warp execut...
Sometimes the reduction has to be performed on a very small scale, as a part of a bigger CUDA kernel. Suppose for example, that the input data has exactly 32 elements - the number of threads in a warp. In such scenario a single warp can be assigned to perform the reduction. Given that warp execut...
Typically, reduction is performed on global or shared array. However, when the reduction is performed on a very small scale, as a part of a bigger CUDA kernel, it can be performed with a single warp. When that happens, on Keppler or higher architectures (CC>=3.0), it is possible to use warp-shu...
Go to Extensions > Modules > Filter. If not installed select Install. Click Edit & then Enabled from option & then Save module.
With this line we will install all the necessary packages in one step, and the last update: pacman -Syu apache php php-apache mariadb HTTP Edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf Change ServerAdmin [email protected] as you need. The folder of the WEB Pages by default is ServerRoot "/etc/httpd&q...
Django is a full stack framework for web development. It powers some of the most popular websites on the Internet. To install the framework; use the pip tool: pip install django If you are installing this on OSX or Linux, the above command may result in a permission error; to avoid this error, ...
To install openshift follow installation steps on https://install.openshift.com

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