Tutorial by Examples: am

FrameLayout is designed to block out an area on the screen to display a single item. You can, however, add multiple children to a FrameLayout and control their position within the FrameLayout by assigning gravity to each child, using the android:layout_gravity attribute. Generally, FrameLayout is ...
When a column name matches a reserved keyword, standard SQL requires that you enclose it in double quotation marks: SELECT "ORDER", ID FROM ORDERS Note that it makes the column name case-sensitive. Some DBMSes have proprietary ways of quoting names. For example, SQL Serve...
Some convenience functions to manipulate data.frames are subset(), transform(), with() and within(). subset The subset() function allows you to subset a data.frame in a more convenient way (subset also works with other classes): subset(mtcars, subset = cyl == 6, select = c("mpg", "...
connection.Execute(@"some Query with @a,@b,@c", new {a=somevalueOfa,b=somevalueOfb,c=somevalueOfc});
To write the traditional Hello World program in Rust, create a text file called hello.rs containing the following source code: fn main() { println!("Hello World!"); } This defines a new function called main, which takes no parameters and returns no data. This is where your progra...
The following code creates a simple user interface containing a single Button that prints a String to the console on click. import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.Alert; import javafx.scene.control.Alert.AlertType; import javafx.scene.contr...
You may wish to use Model Factories within your seeds. This will create 3 new users. use App\Models\User; class UserTableSeeder extends Illuminate\Database\Seeder{ public function run(){ factory(User::class)->times(3)->create(); } } You may also want to define ...
Option Explicit Sub LoopAllSheets() Dim sht As Excel.Worksheet ' declare an array of type String without committing to maximum number of members Dim sht_Name() As String Dim i As Integer ' get the number of worksheets in Active Workbook , and put it as the maximum number of members in t...
First install the .NET Core SDK by going through the installation instructions for the platform of your choice: Windows OSX Linux Docker After the installation has completed, open a command prompt, or terminal window. Create a new directory with mkdir hello_world and change into the ne...
Key Value Coding is integrated into NSObject using NSKeyValueCoding protocol. What this means? It means that any id object is capable of calling valueForKey method and its various variants like valueForKeyPath etc. ' It also means that any id object can invoke setValue method and its various vari...
Classes can be created dynamically through the use of Class.new. # create a new class dynamically MyClass = Class.new # instantiate an object of type MyClass my_class = MyClass.new In the above example, a new class is created and assigned to the constant MyClass. This class can be instanti...
The canvas element was introduced in HTML5 for drawing graphics. <canvas id="myCanvas"> Cannot display graphic. Canvas is not supported by your browser (IE<9) </canvas> The above will create a transparent HTML<canvas> element of 300×150 px in size. You can us...
static class Program { static void Main() { dynamic dynamicObject = new ExpandoObject(); string awesomeString = "Awesome"; // Prints True Console.WriteLine(awesomeString.IsThisAwesome()); dynamicObject.StringValue = awesomeStrin...
The -Regex parameter allows switch statements to perform regular expression matching against conditions. Example: switch -Regex ('Condition') { 'Con\D+ion' {'One or more non-digits'} 'Conditio*$' {'Zero or more "o"'} 'C.ndition' {'Any single char.'} '^C\w+ition$'...
The -Wildcard parameter allows switch statements to perform wildcard matching against conditions. Example: switch -Wildcard ('Condition') { 'Condition' {'Normal match'} 'Condit*' {'Zero or more wildcard chars.'} 'C[aoc]ndit[f-l]on' {'Range and set of chars...
The -Exact parameter enforces switch statements to perform exact, case-insensitive matching against string-conditions. Example: switch -Exact ('Condition') { 'condition' {'First Action'} 'Condition' {'Second Action'} 'conditioN' {'Third Action'} '^*ondition$' {'Fourth Action...
The -CaseSensitive parameter enforces switch statements to perform exact, case-sensitive matching against conditions. Example: switch -CaseSensitive ('Condition') { 'condition' {'First Action'} 'Condition' {'Second Action'} 'conditioN' {'Third Action'} } Output: Second Act...
The -file parameter allows the switch statement to receive input from a file. Each line of the file is evaluated by the switch statement. Example file input.txt: condition test Example switch statement: switch -file input.txt { 'condition' {'First Action'} 'test' {'Second Action...
Variables hold data. Name them after what they're used for, not after their data type or scope, using a noun. If you feel compelled to number your variables (e.g. thing1, thing2, thing3), then consider using an appropriate data structure instead (e.g. an array, a Collection, or a Dictionary). Names...
Procedures do something. Name them after what they're doing, using a verb. If accurately naming a procedure is not possible, likely the procedure is doing too many things and needs to be broken down into smaller, more specialized procedures. Some common VBA naming conventions go thus: For all Pr...

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