Tutorial by Examples: ase

Same thing as before, but you have to copy the info into the mongodump command. You have to run the following commands rediculously fast, and it requires hand/eye coordination. Be warned! This is a rediculously hacky! But fun! Think of it as a video game! :D # get the MONGO_URL string for your app ...
Mongo supports database-to-database copying, which is useful if you have large databases on a staging database that you want to copy into a local development instance. // run mongod so we can create a staging database // note that this is a separate instance from the meteor mongo and minimongo ins...
Preallocation. Mongo sets aside disk-space in empty containers, so when the time comes to write something to disk, it doesn't have to shuffle bits out of the way first. It does so by a doubling algorithm, always doubling the amount of disk space preallocated until it reaches 2GB; and then each preal...
Delete the local database files. Just exit the Mongo shell, navigate to the /dbpath (wherever you set it up), and delete the files within that directory.
Purpose Use the CREATE SEQUENCE statement to create a sequence, which is a database object from which multiple users may generate unique integers. You can use sequences to automatically generate primary key values. When a sequence number is generated, the sequence is incremented, independent of th...
When inheriting from any base class, only one partial class needs to have the base class specified. // PartialClass1.cs public partial class PartialClass : BaseClass {} // PartialClass2.cs public partial class PartialClass {} You can specify the same base class in more than one partial clas...
What happens if I don't set base_url ? You will not get any Impotency error to set this and proceed. You can continue without setting, but you should know about HTTP header injection If I did't set it what will show up? You will get http://[::1]/ instead of your actual URL. What does this m...
library(RODBC) con <- odbcDriverConnect("driver={Sql Server};server=servername;trusted connection=true") dat <- sqlQuery(con, "select * from table"); close(con) This will connect to a SQL Server instance. For more information on what your connection string should loo...
The table shows a list of currently supported release showing both original distribution releases (e.g. Ubuntu 14.04) and point releases (e.g. 14.04.3). The Ubuntu versions which are still supported will be delivered security updates. Point releases include support for new hardware as well as rolli...
Preparation $ mkdir globbing $ cd globbing $ mkdir -p folder/{sub,another}folder/content/deepfolder/ touch macy stacy tracy "file with space" folder/{sub,another}folder/content/deepfolder/file .hiddenfile $ shopt -u nullglob $ shopt -u failglob $ shopt -u dotglob $ shopt -u nocaseg...
sample on price increases: UPDATE ItemPrice SET Price = Price * CASE ItemId WHEN 1 THEN 1.05 WHEN 2 THEN 1.10 WHEN 3 THEN 1.15 ELSE 1.00 END
Sometimes we want to prepare a context for each test to be run under. The setUp method is run prior to each test in the class. tearDown is run at the end of every test. These methods are optional. Remember that TestCases are often used in cooperative multiple inheritance so you should be careful to...
public class SignUpActivity extends BaseAppCompatActivity { @BindView(R.id.tIETSignUpEmail) EditText mEditEmail; @BindView(R.id.tIETSignUpPassword) EditText mEditPassword; @Override protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCrea...
public class LoginActivity extends BaseAppCompatActivity { @BindView(R.id.tIETLoginEmail) EditText mEditEmail; @BindView(R.id.tIETLoginPassword) EditText mEditPassword; @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); FirebaseUser firebaseUs...
public class ForgotPasswordActivity extends AppCompatActivity { @BindView(R.id.tIETForgotPasswordEmail) EditText mEditEmail; private FirebaseAuth mFirebaseAuth; private FirebaseAuth.AuthStateListener mAuthStateListener; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle saved...
public class ChangeEmailActivity extends BaseAppCompatActivity implements ReAuthenticateDialogFragment.OnReauthenticateSuccessListener { @BindView(R.id.et_change_email) EditText mEditText; private FirebaseUser mFirebaseUser; @OnClick(R.id.btn_change_email) void onChangeE...
public class ReAuthenticateDialogFragment extends DialogFragment { @BindView(R.id.et_dialog_reauthenticate_email) EditText mEditTextEmail; @BindView(R.id.et_dialog_reauthenticate_password) EditText mEditTextPassword; private OnReauthenticateSuccessListener mOnReauthenticat...
CREATE DATABASE LINK dblink_name CONNECT TO remote_username IDENTIFIED BY remote_password USING 'tns_service_name'; The remote DB will then be accessible in the following way: SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE@dblink_name; To test a database link connection without needing to know any of the objec...
In order to add Firebase Crash Reporting to your app, perform the following steps: Create an app on the Firebase Console here. Copy the google-services.json file from your project into your in app/ directory. Add the following rules to your root-level build.gradle file in order to inc...

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