Tutorial by Examples: at

Human Mortality Database Human Mortality Database is a project of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research that gathers and pre-process human mortality data for those countries, where more or less reliable statistics is available. # load required packages library(tidyverse) library(ext...
Detailed instructions on getting odoo-10 set up or installed.
For a convenient way to iterate through an arrayBuffer, you can create a simple iterator that implements the DataView methods under the hood: var ArrayBufferCursor = function() { var ArrayBufferCursor = function(arrayBuffer) { this.dataview = new DataView(arrayBuffer, 0); this.size = a...
Detailed instructions on getting url set up or installed.
Detailed instructions on getting user-interface set up or installed.
Information about vertex attributes can be retrieved with the OGL function glGetProgram and the parameters GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES and GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH. The location of an active shader attribute can be determined by the OGL function glGetAttribLocation, by the index of the attribute. G...
Information about active uniforms in a program can be retrieved with the OGL function glGetProgram and the parameters GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS and GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH. The location of an active shader uniform variable can be determined by the OGL function glGetActiveUniform, by the index of the ...
Detailed instructions on getting es6-promise set up or installed.
Detailed instructions on getting office-interop set up or installed.
In Spark, a DataFrame is a distributed collection of data organized into named columns. It is conceptually equivalent to a table in a relational database or a data frame in R/Python, but with richer optimizations under the hood. DataFrames can be constructed from a wide array of sources such as stru...
When creating a new list item, its fields can be set using syntax similar to string arrays. Note that these fields are not created on the fly and are defined by the schema of the list. These fields (or columns) must exist on the server otherwise the create will fail. All list items will have the Tit...
Cold observable implementation, emits true when TTS engine finishes speaking, starts speaking when subscribed. Notice that API level 21 introduces different way to perform speaking: public class RxTextToSpeech { @Nullable RxTTSObservableOnSubscribe audio; WeakReference<Context> contextR...
The Rule: The user will input credentials (email and password). If credentials are valid, redirect to home page. Show an error message otherwise. How to apply technique: You can have a huge valid list of emails that could be used: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ... As we...
In cases where you need a common portion of the route for all routes within a controller, RoutePrefix attribute is used. In the below example, api/students part of the code is common and so we can define RoutePrefix and avoid using it repeatedly. [RoutePrefix("api/students")] public cla...
Data annotations are a way of adding more contextual information to classes or members of a class. There are three main categories of annotations: Validation Attributes: add validation criteria to data Display Attributes: specify how the data should be displayed to the user Modelling Attributes...
<!-- : Comment This works with both batch script and WSF. The closing tag(-->), only works in WSF. CodeSucessful in both batch and WSF?<!--: CommentTrue<!--: Comment -->False - The closing tag only works for WSF-->False
LibGDX is designed in a way that you can write the same code and deploy it on several different platforms. Yet, there are times when you want to get access to platform specific code. For an instance, if you have leaderboards and achievements in your game, you may want to use platform-specific tools ...
Let's create a map and a closure to print hello def exMap = [:] def exClosure = { println "Hello" } Assign closure to a property in map exMap.closureProp = exClosure Calling closure exMap.closureProp.call() Output Hello Another Example - Lets create a class with ba...
Here's a simple example to demonstrate that how can we jump/open a specific screen based on the notification. For example, when a user clicks on the notification, the app should open and directly jump to notifications page instead of home page. 'use strict'; import React, { Component } from 'rea...
In order to Install Visual Studio 2010, First we need to download Visual Studio. We can find Visual Studio Older Versions at Visual Studio Official Website Navigate to above mentioned official site and click the download button Log in with your Visual Studio Subscription account when prompted. ...

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