Tutorial by Examples: ble

struct UnsafeMutablePointer<Pointee> A pointer for accessing and manipulating data of a specific type. You use instances of the UnsafeMutablePointer type to access data of a specific type in memory. The type of data that a pointer can access is the pointer's Pointee type. UnsafeMutable...
Although Catch ex As Exception claims that it can handle all exceptions - there are one exception (no pun intended). Imports System Static Sub StackOverflow() ' Again no pun intended StackOverflow() End Sub Static Sub Main() Try StackOverflow() Catch ex As Exception ...
There are two kind of types in Python. Immutable types and mutable types. Immutables An object of an immutable type cannot be changed. Any attempt to modify the object will result in a copy being created. This category includes: integers, floats, complex, strings, bytes, tuples, ranges and frozen...
One of the major use case when a developer needs to take mutability into account is when passing arguments to a function. This is very important, because this will determine the ability for the function to modify objects that doesn't belong to its scope, or in other words if the function has side ef...
IObserver<T> and IObservable<T> interfaces can be used to implement observer pattern in .NET IObservable<T> interface represents the class that sends notifications IObserver<T> interface represents the class that receives them public class Stock { private string Sym...
Sample Data: CREATE TABLE table_name ( id, list ) AS SELECT 1, 'a,b,c,d' FROM DUAL UNION ALL -- Multiple items in the list SELECT 2, 'e' FROM DUAL UNION ALL -- Single item in the list SELECT 3, NULL FROM DUAL UNION ALL -- NULL list SELECT 4, 'f,,g' FROM DUAL; -- NULL item...
In this example, User Table will have a column that references the Agency table. CREATE TABLE agencies ( -- first create the agency table id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT NOT NULL ) CREATE TABLE users ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, agency_id NOT NULL INTEGER REFERENCES agencies(id) DEFERR...
package com.test.ws.example; import javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory; import javax.xml.soap.MimeHeaders; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPBody; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnection; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnectionFactory; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPEnve...
It is known for a while that dealing with loops in Blade has been limited, as of 5.3 there is a variable called $loop available @foreach($variables as $variable) // Within here the `$loop` variable becomes available // Current index, 0 based $loop->index; // Current ite...
Goto accepts the use of variable value to act as the label to goto. Example: @echo off echo a = 1 echo b = 2 set /p "foo=Enter option:" goto %foo% However, you should check the input so it will not go to somewhere that does not exist. Going to an undefined label will terminate...
Throwable has two direct subclasses, Exception and Error. While it's possible to create a new class that extends Throwable directly, this is inadvisable as many applications assume only Exception and Error exist. More to the point there is no practical benefit to directly subclassing Throwable, as ...
var="hello" function foo(){ echo $var } foo Will obviously output "hello", but this works the other way around too: function foo() { var="hello" } foo echo $var Will also output "hello"
function foo() { local var var="hello" } foo echo $var Will output nothing, as var is a variable local to the function foo, and its value is not visible from outside of it.
A C library header can usually be included into a C++ program, since most declarations are valid in both C and C++. For example, consider the following foo.h: typedef struct Foo { int bar; } Foo; Foo make_foo(int); The definition of make_foo is separately compiled and distributed with the...
As node.js is often used to build API, proper CORS setting can be a life saver if you want to be able to request the API from different domains. In the exemple, we'll set it up for the wider configuration (authorize all request types from any domain. In your server.js after initializing express: ...
We're going to integrate the AlmostEqualToConstraint with the fluent NUnit interfaces, specifically the Is one. We'll need to extend the NUnit provided Is and use that throughout our code. public class Is : NUnit.Framework.Is { public static AlmostEqualToConstraint AlmostEqualTo(int expected,...
Open console: Ctrl+Shift+J (Windows/Linux) Cmd+Opt+J (Mac) Insert document.body.contentEditable = true or document.designMode = 'on' and press ENTER
public abstract class BaseActivity extends AppCompatActivity { private Map<Integer, PermissionCallback> permissionCallbackMap = new HashMap<>(); @Override protected void onStart() { super.onStart(); ... } @Override public void setConten...
I hope this example will help everyone to understand how awk internal variables like NR, FNR etc change when awk is processing two files. awk '{print "NR:",NR,"FNR:",FNR,"fname:",FILENAME,"Field1:",$1}' file1 file2 NR: 1 FNR: 1 fname: file1 Field1: f1d1 NR:...

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