Tutorial by Examples: branch

Just run: svn delete https://svn.example.com/svn/MyRepo/MyProject/branches/MyNewBranch -m "Deleting no longer needed MyNewBranch" Or, using the short URL: svn delete ^/branches/MyNewBranch -m "Deleting no longer needed MyNewBranch" In Windows, you need to use ^^ You ...
d = Dates.dayofweek(now()) if d == 7 println("It is Sunday!") elseif d == 6 println("It is Saturday!") elseif d == 5 println("Almost the weekend!") else println("Not the weekend yet...") end Any number of elseif branches may be used...
You can rename branch in local repository using this command: git branch -m old_name new_name
To list local branches that contain a specific commit or tag git branch --contains <commit> To list local and remote branches that contain a specific commit or tag git branch -a --contains <commit>
git log --pretty=oneline |wc -l
for k in `git branch -a | sed s/^..//`; do echo -e `git log -1 --pretty=format:"%Cgreen%ci %Cblue%cr%Creset" $k --`\\t"$k";done | sort
To view difference between two branch git diff <branch1>..<branch2> To view difference between two branch git diff <commitId1>..<commitId2> To view diff with current branch git diff <branch/commitId> To view summary of changes git diff --stat <branch/com...
For those that are using UI to branch click Right Mouse on repository then Tortoise Git -> Create Branch... New window will open -> Give branch a name -> Tick the box Switch to new branch (Chances are you want to start working with it after branching). -> Click OK and you should be do...
When we’re first starting our work, we have to decide if this is a separate area of work we’re working on, or is this part of an existing line of work. If it’s existing, we can work off of that branch. If it’s new, we’ll start a new branch. Our workflow then is: hg branch MyNewFeature work wo...
You can have functions in the PS1 variable, just make sure to single quote it or use escape for special chars: gitPS1(){ gitps1=$(git branch 2>/dev/null | grep '*') gitps1="${gitps1:+ (${gitps1/#\* /})}" echo "$gitps1" } PS1='\u@\h:\w$(gitPS1)$ ' It will...
Sometimes you might have branches lying around that have already had their changes merged into master. This finds all branches that are not master that have no unique commits as compared to master. This is very useful for finding branches that were not deleted after the PR was merged into master. ...
Sometimes, the latest tagged version of a package is buggy or is missing some required features. Advanced users may wish to update to the latest development version of a package (sometimes referred to as the "master", named after the usual name for a development branch in Git). The benefit...
the easiest way is to have the local branch checked out: git checkout old_branch then rename the local branch, delete the old remote and set the new renamed branch as upstream: git branch -m new_branch git push origin :old_branch git push --set-upstream origin new_branch
One of most common use cases of Gitflow Initialize repo and define branches $ git flow init # if you use default setup, you'll define six types of branches: # # main branches (lives forever) # # 1. master: for production releases # 2. develop: for "next ...
As mentioned in the other example, you should use rebase instead of merge. But if you're working on a feature branch with your team then you'll run into the problem of pulling rewritten history. So the best way to work on a feature branch foo is to locally create tracking branch foo that you use onl...
gem 'any gem',git: 'any repo',branch: 'specific branch of that repo',ref: 'reference no.' ref specifies individual commit. branch specifies the git branch to pull from.
Go to the repository, e.g.: https://bitbucket.org/username/repo_name/ On the left menu, choose branches On the right side of the branches page, select Create branch A popup window will appear, select Branch from and enter the new branch you want to create in the Branch name textbox Click cre...
Go to the repository, e.g.:https://bitbucket.org/username/repo_name/ On the left menu, choose branches Select the branch you want to delete from the branches page Click on ... at the top right of the page, then click Delete branch A confirmation popup will appear, click Confirm
git filter-branch --force --index-filter \ 'git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch PATH-TO-YOUR-FILE-WITH-SENSITIVE-DATA' \ --prune-empty --tag-name-filter cat -- --all Add your file with sensitive data to .gitignore to ensure that you don't accidentally commit it again. echo "YOUR-FILE-WITH-SE...
What is PS1 PS1 denotes Prompt String 1. It is the one of the prompt available in Linux/UNIX shell. When you open your terminal, it will display the content defined in PS1 variable in your bash prompt. In order to add branch name to bash prompt we have to edit the PS1 variable(set value of PS1 in ~...

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