Tutorial by Examples: call

Getting the Constructor Object You can obtain Constructor class from the Class object like this: Class myClass = ... // get a class object Constructor[] constructors = myClass.getConstructors(); Where the constructors variable will have one Constructor instance for each public constructor decl...
Functions are only useful if we can call them. To call a function the following syntax is used: print("Hello, World!") We're calling the print function. Using the argument "Hello, World". As is obvious, this will print Hello, World to the output stream. The returned value is ...
public async Task<Product> GetProductAsync(string productId) { using (_db) { return await _db.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<Product>("usp_GetProduct", new { id = productId }, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure); } }
Swift 3 let stackView = UIStackView() stackView.axis = .horizontal stackView.alignment = .fill // .leading .firstBaseline .center .trailing .lastBaseline stackView.distribution = .fill // .fillEqually .fillProportionally .equalSpacing .equalCentering let label = UILabel() label.text = "...
Swift let stackView = UIStackView() stackView.axis = .Vertical stackView.alignment = .Fill // .Leading .FirstBaseline .Center .Trailing .LastBaseline stackView.distribution = .Fill // .FillEqually .FillProportionally .EqualSpacing .EqualCentering let label = UILabel(frame: CGRectZero) label....
The simplest use case is using the subprocess.call function. It accepts a list as the first argument. The first item in the list should be the external application you want to call. The other items in the list are arguments that will be passed to that application. subprocess.call([r'C:\path\to\a...
__call() and __callStatic() are called when somebody is calling nonexistent object method in object or static context. class Foo { /** * This method will be called when somebody will try to invoke a method in object * context, which does not exist, like: * * $foo->...
Just add the using at the beginning and the [WebMethod] decorator to the static method to be called in the aspx page: using System.Web.Services; public partial class MyPage : System.Web.UI.Page { [WebMethod] public static int GetRandomNumberLessThan(int limit) { var r = ...
__CLASS__ magic constant returns the same result as get_class() function called without parameters and they both return the name of the class where it was defined (i.e. where you wrote the function call/constant name ). In contrast, get_class($this) and get_called_class() functions call, will both ...
Support for type hinting array parameters (and return values after PHP 7.1) was added in PHP 5.1 with the keyword array. Any arrays of any dimensions and types, as well as empty arrays, are valid values. Support for type hinting callables was added in PHP 5.4. Any value that is_callable() is valid ...
Calling an instance method: [classInstance hello]; @interface Sample -(void)hello; // exposing the class Instance method @end @implementation Sample -(void)hello{ NSLog(@"hello"); } @end Calling an instance method on the current instance: [self hell...
Unlike C++ in C# you can call a virtual method from class constructor (OK, you can also in C++ but behavior at first is surprising). For example: abstract class Base { protected Base() { _obj = CreateAnother(); } protected virtual AnotherBase CreateAnother() { ...
To add a method to a button, first create an action method: Objective-C -(void)someButtonAction:(id)sender { // sender is the object that was tapped, in this case its the button. NSLog(@"Button is tapped"); } Swift func someButtonAction() { print("Button is tapped...
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; class PInvokeExample { [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] public static extern uint MessageBox(IntPtr hWnd, String text, String caption, int options); public static void test() { MessageBox(IntPtr.Zero,...
To compare strings alphabetically, use localeCompare(). This returns a negative value if the reference string is lexicographically (alphabetically) before the compared string (the parameter), a positive value if it comes afterwards, and a value of 0 if they are equal. var a = "hello"; va...
Stored procedures can be created through a database management GUI (SQL Server example), or through a SQL statement as follows: -- Define a name and parameters CREATE PROCEDURE Northwind.getEmployee @LastName nvarchar(50), @FirstName nvarchar(50) AS -- Define the query to be...
Swift func createCollectionView() { let layout: UICollectionViewFlowLayout = UICollectionViewFlowLayout() let collectionView = UICollectionView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: view.frame.width, height: view.frame.height), collectionViewLayout: layout) collectionView.dataSource = sel...
Caller info attributes can be used to pass down information about the invoker to the invoked method. The declaration looks like this: using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; public void LogException(Exception ex, [CallerMemberName]string callerMemberName = "", ...
It is possible to await multiple calls concurrently by first invoking the awaitable tasks and then awaiting them. public async Task RunConcurrentTasks() { var firstTask = DoSomethingAsync(); var secondTask = DoSomethingElseAsync(); await firstTask; await secondTask; } Alt...
Using the Control.Invoke() method you may move the execution of a method or function from a background thread to the thread that the control was created on, which is usually the UI (User Interface) thread. By doing so your code will be queued to run on the control's thread instead, which removes the...

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