Tutorial by Examples: cli

(Tested with ANTLR 4.5.3, Eclipse Neon, ANTLR 4 IDE 0.3.5, and Java 1.8) Download the latest ANTLR. Make sure to get the complete ANTLR Java binaries jar. Save to any appropriate location, for example the folder where other Java libraries are stored. It doesn’t matter where, just remember the loc...
Since Nightwatch has access to the browser console, it's possible to inspect client side objects using the .execute() API. In the following example, we're checking the Session object for a particular session variable. First, we begin by creating the file ./tests/nightwatch/api/meteor/checkSession...
Assuming that you are running redis server on localhost you can type command redis-cli After this command appear redis command line prompt>
Prerequisites Java8 (1.8.0_91) Eclipse neon (JavaScript and Web Developer) Play Framework 2.5.4 Installing Scala in Eclipse Launch the Eclipse Open Help > Eclipse Marketplace Type Scala in Find Install Scala IDE Setup sbteclipse Open play project .\project\ plugins.sbt Add f...
// Include Nodejs' net module. const Net = require('net'); // The port number and hostname of the server. const port = 8080; const host = 'localhost'; // Create a new TCP client. const client = new Net.Socket(); // Send a connection request to the server. client.connect({ port: port, host:...
Gridviews are more useful if we can update the view as per our need. Consider a view with a lock/unlock feature in each row. It can be done like: Add an update panel: <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel2" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional"> </asp:UpdatePane...
Setup Install AWS CLI AWS CLI is an common CLI tool for managing the AWS resources. With this single tool we can manage all the aws resources sudo apt-get install -y python-dev python-pip sudo pip install awscli aws --version aws configure Bash one-liners cat <file> # output a file ...
List of commonly used S3 AWS CLI Commands Create Bucket aws s3 mb s3://bucket-name Remove Bucket aws s3 rb s3://bucket-name List Buckets aws s3 ls List contents inside the bucket aws s3 ls s3://bucket-name List Bucket with a path aws s3 ls s3://bucket-name/path Copy file aws s3...
Almost every application has some kind of a list. Ionic has it's own build-in ready-to-go list item CSS declarations to make it easy to do lists inside your application. You can either use HTML elements and declare a class for the or use the directive ion-list to make them. Example of a directive is...
By default the ArrayAdapter creates a view for each array item by calling toString() on each item and placing the contents in a TextView. Example: ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, myStringArray); where androi...
Creating a socket that uses the TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); Make sure the socket is successfully created. The onSocketFailure function comes from Handling socket errors example in this topic. if(!is_resource($socket)) onSocketFailu...
OS: Mac OS X 10.11 (Should work on Windows / Linux since we are using Vagrant) Vagrant 1.8.4 Installed Directory Structure on Host OS (Mac OS): /path/to/project /provision /packages Note: If you use different vesions, be sure to update Variables at top of provision.sh script b...
This Example assumes you setup as explained in Example: Setting Up Environment for aurelia-cli Explained of this document. Creating a new project In main host os, open terminal (Mac OS in my case) $cd /path/to/project/vagrant $vagrant up (Launches VM GUI) Log into VM via UI U...
Environment This Example assumes you setup as explained in Example: Setting Up Environment for Aurelia-cli Explained of this document. Summary of setup: On Mac OS X with Vagrant 1.8.4 $cd /path/to/project/vagrant $vagrant up Log into VM via UI as User:vagrant / PW:vagrant $cd /home/vagrant/...
It crops the images in square shape. This cordova project uses two plugins: Cordova Camera Plugin -- https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-camera Cordova Crop Image Plugin -- https://github.com/jeduan/cordova-plugin-crop The Camera plugin is combined with the Crop Image Plugin by ...
This program is complimentary to Hello TCP Server program, you can run either of them to check the validity of each other. The program flow is quite common with Hello TCP server, so make sure to take a look at that too. Here's the code - #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #includ...
To get started we need a factory that produces WebClients. public class ClientFactory { private Map<String, WebClient> cache = new HashMap<>(); public enum RESTClient { PORTAL; } public WebClient fetchRestClient(RESTClient restClient) { if (th...
Download the .jar file from vaadin add-ons And put it in the lib folder of WEB-INF then right click on the .jar file and click on to Build Path --> Add To Build Path
Before install this extension, you must install yii2-app. In this example, I use yii2-basic template. Guide for installation in here. Run composer require --prefer-dist yiisoft/yii2-authclient or add "yiisoft/yii2-authclient": "~2.1.0" to the require section of your comp...
The Angular CLI command-line interface has AoT compilation support since beta 17. To build your app with AoT compilation, simply run: ng build --prod --aot

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