Tutorial by Examples: co

Similar to aggregation methods also by the find() method you have the possibility to limit, skip, sort and count the results. Let say we have following collection: db.test.insertMany([ {name:"Any", age:"21", status:"busy"}, {name:"Tony", age:"...
How we can use jenkins in our SalesForce product development. What are the tools plugins are available for Jenkins Integration How to solve CI configuration issue.....etc
A common problem might be trying to iterate over Array which has no values in it. For example: Dim myArray() As Integer For i = 0 To UBound(myArray) 'Will result in a "Subscript Out of Range" error To avoid this issue, and to check if an Array contains elements, use this oneliner: If...
This example shows how to achieve an effect similar to FaceTime were a view is attracted to point once it enters a particular region, in this case two regions a top and bottom. Swift class ViewController: UIViewController { lazy var dynamicAnimator: UIDynamicAnimator = { let ...
Except main @conditional annotation there are set of similar annotation to be used for different cases. Class conditions The @ConditionalOnClass and @ConditionalOnMissingClass annotations allows configuration to be included based on the presence or absence of specific classes. E.g. when OObjectDa...
Create a console application. Install EntityFramework nuget package by running Install-Package EntityFramework in "Package Manager Console" Add your connection string in app.config file , It's important to include providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" in your connection. Cre...
First, determine the source file for this particular driver. Found it at drivers/usb/serial/ftdi_sio.c. ./scripts/get_maintainer.pl drivers/usb/serial/ftdi_sio.c And the results: Johan Hovold <[email protected]> (maintainer:USB SERIAL SUBSYSTEM) Greg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh@linuxfounda...
Another convenient solution for cross compilation is the usage of gox: https://github.com/mitchellh/gox Installation The installation is done very easily by executing go get github.com/mitchellh/gox. The resulting executable gets placed at Go's binary directory, e.g. /golang/bin or ~/golang/bin. E...
Methods Used: .CopyFile(Source, Dest [,Overwrite (True/False)] .CopyFolder(Source, Dest [,Overwrite (True/False)] The following code illustrates the use of CopyFile method to copy a file to a new location. The same thing can be achieved for the folders by using the CopyFolder method. Code: Di...
As you would know, Hadoop can be run in the local environment in 3 different modes : Local Mode Pseudo Distributed Mode Fully Distributed Mode (Cluster) Typically you will be running your local hadoop setup in Pseudo Distributed Mode to leverage HDFS and Map Reduce(MR). However you cannot de...
As java provide two different commands to compile and run Java code. Same as Kotlin also provide you different commands. javac to compile java files. java to run java files. Same as kotlinc to compile kotlin files kotlin to run kotlin files.
Redis-py provides the execute_command method to directly invoke Redis operations. This functionality can be used to access any modules that may not have a supported interface in the redis-py client. For example, you can use the execute_command to list all of the modules loaded into a Redis server:...
Numeric values can compared with = and the other numeric comparison operators (/=, <, <=, >, >=) that ignore the difference in the physical representation of the different types of numbers, and perform the comparison of the corresponding mathematical values. For instance: (= 42 42) T ;...
Common Lisp has 12 type specific operators to compare two characters, 6 of them case sensitives and the others case insensitives. Their names have a simple pattern to make easy to remember their meaning: Case SensitiveCase InsensitiveCHAR=CHAR-EQUALCHAR/=CHAR-NOT-EQUALCHAR<CHAR-LESSPCHAR<=CHA...
The core idea is to use GameObjects to represent singletons, which has multiple advantages: Keeps complexity to a minimum but supports concepts like dependency injection Singletons have a normal Unity lifecycle as part of the Entity-Component system Singletons can be lazy loaded and cached loca...
We can use the componentchanged event to listen for changes to the entity: entity.addEventListener('componentchanged', function (evt) { if (evt.detail.name === 'position') { console.log('Entity has moved from', evt.detail.oldData, 'to', evt.detail.newData, '!'); } });
Updating Multi-Property Component Data To update component data for a multi-property component, we can pass the name of a registered component as the componentName, and pass an object of properties as the value. A string is also acceptable (e.g., type: spot; distance: 30), but objects will save A-F...
For example, if we wanted to grab an entity’s three.js camera object or material object, we could reach into its components var camera = document.querySelector('a-entity[camera]').components.camera.camera; var material = document.querySelector('a-entity[material]').components.material.material; ...
There is no strict API for defining how systems manage components. A common pattern is to have components subscribe themselves to the system. The system then has references to all of its components: AFRAME.registerSystem('my-component', { init: function () { this.entities = []; }, ...
AFRAME.registerComponent (name, definition) Register an A-Frame component. We must register components before we use them anywhere in . Meaning from an HTML file, components should come in order before . {string} name - Component name. The component’s public API as represented through an HTML at...

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