Tutorial by Examples: column

Move columns to the right using .col-md-offset-* classes. These classes increase the left margin of a column by * columns. For example, .col-md-offset-4 moves .col-md-4 over four columns. <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4">.col-md-4</div> <div cla...
To nest your content with the default grid, add a new .row and set of .col-sm-* columns within an existing .col-sm-* column. Nested rows should include a set of columns that add up to 12 or fewer (it is not required that you use all 12 available columns). <div class="row"> <di...
Easily change the order of our built-in grid columns with .col-md-push-* and .col-md-pull-* modifier classes. <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-9 col-md-push-3">.col-md-9 .col-md-push-3</div> <div class="col-md-3 col-md-pull-9">.col-md-...
<div class="container content"> <div class="row"> <!--Main Content--> <div class="col-lg-9 col-lg-push-3"> Main Content </div> <!--Sidebar--> <div class=&quot...
# get a list of columns cols = list(df) # move the column to head of list using index, pop and insert cols.insert(0, cols.pop(cols.index('listing'))) # use ix to reorder df2 = df.ix[:, cols]
You have to add a div with the class .row-height inside the row, and also add .col-height to the columns. If you want to restrict the effect to a certain media query, just use the responsive .row-height and .col-height classes: for example .row-sm-height with .col-sm-height. CSS version: .row-heig...
By using the Grid.RowSpan and Grid.ColumnSpan attached properties, children of a Grid can span multiple rows or columns. In the following example the second TextBlock will span the second and third column of the Grid. <Grid> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition/&...
The row heigths or column widths of multiple Grids can be synchronized by setting a common SharedSizeGroup on the rows or columns to synchronize. Then a parent control somewhere up in the tree above the Grids needs to have the attached property Grid.IsSharedSizeScope set to True. <StackPanel Gri...
The following example is a very useful basis when you are trying to convert transaction data to un-pivoted data for BI/reporting reasons, where the dimensions which are to be un-pivoted can have a dynamic set of columns. For our example, we suppose that the raw data table contains employee assessme...
Select * from firm's_address; Select * from "firm's_address";
Say you have a table named table or you want to create a table with name which is also a keyword, You have to include the name table in pair of double quotes "table" Select * from table; Above query will fail with syntax error, where as below query will run fine. Select * from "tab...
function lastRowForColumn(sheet, column){ // Get the last row with data for the whole sheet. var numRows = sheet.getLastRow(); // Get all data for the given column var data = sheet.getRange(1, column, numRows).getValues(); // Iterate backwards and find first non empty cell ...
Sample table (say Employee) structure Column NameDatatypeIDINTF_NameSTRINGL_NameSTRINGPhoneSTRINGAddressSTRING Project all the columns Use wild card * to project all the columns. e.g. Select * from Employee Project selected columns (say ID, Name) Use name of columns in the projection list. e...
A1:A4 have A,B,C,D. B1 have the following formula: =ARRAYFORMULA({A1:A4,ROW(A1:A4)}) Result ABC1AA12BB23CC34DD4
Clustered column store index can be rebuilt if you have a lot of deleted rows: ALTER INDEX cci ON Products REBUILD PARTITION = ALL Rebuilding CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE will "reload" data from the current table into new one and apply compression again, remove deleted rows, etc. You can re...
This UNION ALL combines data from multiple tables and serve as a table name alias to use for your queries: SELECT YEAR(date_time_column), MONTH(date_time_column), MIN(DATE(date_time_column)), MAX(DATE(date_time_column)), COUNT(DISTINCT (ip)), COUNT(ip), (COUNT(ip) / COUNT(DISTINCT (ip))) AS Ratio ...
You can add partial mask on the column that will show few characters from te beginning and the end of the string and show mask instead of the characters in the middle: ALTER TABLE Company ALTER COLUMN Phone ADD MASKED WITH (FUNCTION = 'partial(5,"XXXXXXX",2)') In the parameters of th...
If you add default mask on the column, instead of actual value in SELECT statement will be shown mask: ALTER TABLE Company ALTER COLUMN Postcode ADD MASKED WITH (FUNCTION = 'default()')
here you can find the functions. With the table wf_example created in previous example, run: select i , dense_rank() over (order by i) , row_number() over () , rank() over (order by i) from wf_example The result is: i | dense_rank | row_number | rank ---+------------+------------+-...

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