Tutorial by Examples: com

It is possible to DELETE data from a table if it matches (or mismatches) certain data in other tables. Let's assume we want to DELETEdata from Source once its loaded into Target. DELETE FROM Source WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 -- specific value in SELECT doesn't matter FROM Target ...
SCSS syntax resembles more like a CSS syntax but SASS syntax is little bit different from SCSS but both produces exactly the same CSS code. In SASS we are not ending the style properties with semicolon(;) but in SCSS we are ending the style properties with (;). In SCSS we used paranthesis {} to ...
This example shows you different ways to execute 'commands' for Minecraft from code: EntityPlayerSP player = Minecraft.getMinecraft().player; player.sendChatMessage("/Command here"); to send a command in SinglePlayer
Function using promises: function myAsyncFunction() { return aFunctionThatReturnsAPromise() // doSomething is a sync function .then(result => doSomething(result)) .catch(handleError); } So here is when Async/Await enter in action in order to get clean...
Another convenient solution for cross compilation is the usage of gox: https://github.com/mitchellh/gox Installation The installation is done very easily by executing go get github.com/mitchellh/gox. The resulting executable gets placed at Go's binary directory, e.g. /golang/bin or ~/golang/bin. E...
As java provide two different commands to compile and run Java code. Same as Kotlin also provide you different commands. javac to compile java files. java to run java files. Same as kotlinc to compile kotlin files kotlin to run kotlin files.
Redis-py provides the execute_command method to directly invoke Redis operations. This functionality can be used to access any modules that may not have a supported interface in the redis-py client. For example, you can use the execute_command to list all of the modules loaded into a Redis server:...
Numeric values can compared with = and the other numeric comparison operators (/=, <, <=, >, >=) that ignore the difference in the physical representation of the different types of numbers, and perform the comparison of the corresponding mathematical values. For instance: (= 42 42) T ;...
Common Lisp has 12 type specific operators to compare two characters, 6 of them case sensitives and the others case insensitives. Their names have a simple pattern to make easy to remember their meaning: Case SensitiveCase InsensitiveCHAR=CHAR-EQUALCHAR/=CHAR-NOT-EQUALCHAR<CHAR-LESSPCHAR<=CHA...
The core idea is to use GameObjects to represent singletons, which has multiple advantages: Keeps complexity to a minimum but supports concepts like dependency injection Singletons have a normal Unity lifecycle as part of the Entity-Component system Singletons can be lazy loaded and cached loca...
We can use the componentchanged event to listen for changes to the entity: entity.addEventListener('componentchanged', function (evt) { if (evt.detail.name === 'position') { console.log('Entity has moved from', evt.detail.oldData, 'to', evt.detail.newData, '!'); } });
Updating Multi-Property Component Data To update component data for a multi-property component, we can pass the name of a registered component as the componentName, and pass an object of properties as the value. A string is also acceptable (e.g., type: spot; distance: 30), but objects will save A-F...
For example, if we wanted to grab an entity’s three.js camera object or material object, we could reach into its components var camera = document.querySelector('a-entity[camera]').components.camera.camera; var material = document.querySelector('a-entity[material]').components.material.material; ...
There is no strict API for defining how systems manage components. A common pattern is to have components subscribe themselves to the system. The system then has references to all of its components: AFRAME.registerSystem('my-component', { init: function () { this.entities = []; }, ...
AFRAME.registerComponent (name, definition) Register an A-Frame component. We must register components before we use them anywhere in . Meaning from an HTML file, components should come in order before . {string} name - Component name. The component’s public API as represented through an HTML at...
A component holds a bucket of data in the form of one or more component properties. Components use this data to modify entities. Consider an engine component, we might define properties such as horsepower or cylinders. HTML attributes represent component names and the value of those attributes repr...
The schema is an object that defines and describes the property or properties of the component. The schema’s keys are the names of the property, and the schema’s values define the types and values of the property (in case of a multi-property component): Defining schema in your component AFRAME.reg...
Property types primarily define how the schema parses incoming data from the DOM for each property. The parsed data will then be available via the data property on the component's prototype. Below are A-Frame's built-in property types: Property TypeDescriptionDefault ValuearrayParses comma-separ...
A component’s members and methods can be accessed through the entity from the .components object. Look up the component from the entity’s map of components, and we’ll have access to the component’s internals. Consider this example component: AFRAME.registerComponent('foo', { init: function () { ...
Components can be attached to the scene as well as entities. A-Frame ships with a few components to configure the scene: ComponentDetailsembeddedRemove fullscreen styles from the canvas.fogAdd fog.keyboard-shortcutsToggle keyboard shortcuts.inspectorInject the A-Frame Inspector.statsToggle performa...

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