Tutorial by Examples: comp

There is no strict API for defining how systems manage components. A common pattern is to have components subscribe themselves to the system. The system then has references to all of its components: AFRAME.registerSystem('my-component', { init: function () { this.entities = []; }, ...
AFRAME.registerComponent (name, definition) Register an A-Frame component. We must register components before we use them anywhere in . Meaning from an HTML file, components should come in order before . {string} name - Component name. The component’s public API as represented through an HTML at...
A component holds a bucket of data in the form of one or more component properties. Components use this data to modify entities. Consider an engine component, we might define properties such as horsepower or cylinders. HTML attributes represent component names and the value of those attributes repr...
The schema is an object that defines and describes the property or properties of the component. The schema’s keys are the names of the property, and the schema’s values define the types and values of the property (in case of a multi-property component): Defining schema in your component AFRAME.reg...
Property types primarily define how the schema parses incoming data from the DOM for each property. The parsed data will then be available via the data property on the component's prototype. Below are A-Frame's built-in property types: Property TypeDescriptionDefault ValuearrayParses comma-separ...
A component’s members and methods can be accessed through the entity from the .components object. Look up the component from the entity’s map of components, and we’ll have access to the component’s internals. Consider this example component: AFRAME.registerComponent('foo', { init: function () { ...
Components can be attached to the scene as well as entities. A-Frame ships with a few components to configure the scene: ComponentDetailsembeddedRemove fullscreen styles from the canvas.fogAdd fog.keyboard-shortcutsToggle keyboard shortcuts.inspectorInject the A-Frame Inspector.statsToggle performa...
Properties of a multi-property component will merge if defined by multiple mixins and/or the entity. For example: <a-scene> <a-assets> <a-mixin id="box" geometry="primitive: box"></a-mixin> <a-mixin id="tall" geometry="heigh...
If for some reason using the Symfony Installer is not an option, you can also create a new project using Composer. First of all, make sure you have installed Composer. Next, you can use the create-project command to create a new project: composer create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition m...
There are various types of inheritance and code reuse in Twig: Include The main goal is code reuse. Consider using header.html.twig & footer.html.twig inside base.html.twig as an example. header.html.twig <nav> <div>Homepage</div> <div>About</div> </...
<template> <div class="nice">Component {{title}}</div> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { title: "awesome!" }; } } </script> <style> .nice { background-col...
When generating new Angular 2 components in a .NET Core project, you may run into the following errors (as of version 0.8.3): Error locating module for declaration SilentError: No module files found OR No app module found. Please add your new Class to your component. Identica...
If You have Role: +-----------------------------+ | roleId | name | discription | +-----------------------------+ Rights: +-----------------------------+ | rightId | name | discription| +-----------------------------+ rightrole +------------------+ | roleId | rightId | +----------...
This is a small example of an autocomplete input. CSS .autocomplete { position: relative; } .autocomplete-list { position: absolute; z-index: 2; top: 25px; min-width: 150px; margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; border: 1px solid #eee; border-radius: 4px; ...
Kernels can be compiled at runtime on the target device. To do so, you need the kernel source code the target device on which to compile a context built with the target device A quick terminology update: A program contains a collection of kernels. You can think of a program as a complete C/C...
Prepare helloworld.go (find below) package main import "fmt" func main(){ fmt.Println("hello world") } Run GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm go build helloworld.go Copy generated helloworld (arm executable) file to your target machine.
We’ll first go over gaze-based interactions. Gaze-based interactions rely on rotating our heads and looking at objects to interact with them. This type of interaction is for headsets without a controller. Even with a rotation-only controller (Daydream, GearVR), the interaction is still similar. Sinc...
The cursor builds on top of and depends on the raycaster component. If we want to customize the raycasting pieces of the cursor, we can do by changing the raycaster component properties. Say we want set a max distance, check for intersections less frequently, and set which objects are clickable: &l...
ImageMagick includes a number of command-line utilities for manipulating images. Here we will use compare command-line tool. compare tool is very useful. Suppose you want to test (e.g. layout, color, icons etc.) the difference between your expected design UI HTML file with actual result of JSP...
Suppose you are comparing value with some variable if ( i == 2) //Bad-way { doSomething; } Now suppose you have mistaken == with =. Then it will take your sweet time to figure it out. if( 2 == i) //Good-way { doSomething; } Then, if an equal sign is accidentally left out, the ...

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