Tutorial by Examples: conf

you can use -c <name>=<value> to add a configuration only for one command. To commit as an other user without having to change your settings in .gitconfig : git -c user.email = mail@example commit -m "some message" Note: for that example you don't need to precise both user...
If your application doesn't need to update resources during a specific configuration change and you have a performance limitation that requires you to avoid the activity restart, then you can declare that your activity handles the configuration change itself, which prevents the system from restartin...
To set LFS options that apply to all clones, create and commit a file named .lfsconfig at the repository root. This file can specify LFS options the same way as allowed in .git/config. For example, to exclude a certain file from LFS fetches be default, create and commit .lfsconfig with the followin...
You should use this when you have two text fields that should receive exactly the same content. For example, you may want to confirm an email address or a password. This validation creates a virtual attribute whose name is the name of the field that has to be confirmed with _confirmation appended. ...
You can configure the database settings in config/connections.js. Here's an example: postgresql: { database: 'databaseName', host: 'localhost', user: 'root', password: '', port: 5432, poolSize: 10, ssl: false }; Alternatively, you can supply the connection information in U...
Config values can be set in three ways: Via private static variables on any class within a SilverStripe project Via yaml config files (stored in module-folder/_config/[file].yml) Via PHP at run time (Config::inst()->update('Director', 'environment_type', 'dev') Generally it's best to se...
The presence of a tsconfig.json file indicates that the current directory is the root of a TypeScript enabled project. Initializing a TypeScript project, or better put tsconfig.json file, can be done through the following command: tsc --init As of TypeScript v2.3.0 and higher this will create t...
You can define central config info's in a separate gradle include file Centralizing dependencies via "dependencies.gradle" file a stand alone properties file Versioning your builds via "version.properties" file or do it with root gradle.properties file the project structu...
Have a look in your php.ini configuration file and enable Xdebug, add the following statement: [Xdebug] zend_extension=<full_path_to_xdebug_extension> xdebug.remote_enable=1 xdebug.remote_host=<the host where PhpStorm is running (e.g. localhost)> xdebug.remote_port=<the port to w...
Name-based virtual hosting on Apache is described on the Apache website as such: With name-based virtual hosting, the server relies on the client to report the hostname as part of the HTTP headers. Using this technique, many different hosts can share the same IP address. Therefore, more than...
When starting Zsh, it'll source the following files in this order by default: /etc/zsh/zshenv Used for setting system-wide environment variables; it should not contain commands that produce output or assume the shell is attached to a tty. This file will always be sourced, this cannot be overrid...
You could use ethtool, but they are not going to be reboot persistent. If you want to achieve this, edit the following file: sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces And edit the file with needed informations: auto <interface_name> iface <interface_name> inet static address <ip_addres...
Dependencies can be added for specific configuration like test/androidTest androidTestCompile 'com.android.support.test.espresso:espresso-core:2.2.1' testCompile 'junit:junit:3.8.1' Alternatively create your own configuration configurations { myconfig } And then download dependency fo...
Add the I18N nuget package to your MVC project. In web.config, add the i18n.LocalizingModule to your <httpModules> or <modules> section. <!-- IIS 6 --> <httpModules> <add name="i18n.LocalizingModule" type="i18n.LocalizingModule, i18n" /> &...
Description: Evaluate expression after user's confirmation. Arguments: ng-confirm-click:(expression) Expression to evaluate when confirmed. ng-confirm-message:(template) Message to be shown in confirm dialog. Code: Directives.directive("ngConfirmClick", ["$parse","...
YAML provides a way to store structured data. The data can be a simple set of name-value pairs or a complex hierarchical data with values even being arrays. Consider the following YAML file: database: driver: mysql host: database.mydomain.com port: 3306 db_name: sample_db ...
Here we will be checking out the latest copy of our project's code, run the tests and will make the application live.To achieve that, follow below steps: Open Jenkins in browser. Click the New Job link. Enter project name and select the Build a free-style software project link. Click on Ok but...
You can define the signing configuration to sign the apk in the build.gradle file. You can define: storeFile : the keystore file storePassword: the keystore password keyAlias: a key alias name keyPassword: A key alias password You have to define the signingConfigs block to create a signin...
You can define the signing configuration in an external file as a signing.properties in the root directory of your project. For example you can define these keys (you can use your favorite names): STORE_FILE=myStoreFileLocation STORE_PASSWORD=myStorePassword KEY_ALIAS=myKeyAlias KEY_PASSWOR...
You can store the signing information setting environment variables. These values can be accessed with System.getenv("<VAR-NAME>") In your build.gradle you can define: signingConfigs { release { storeFile file(System.getenv("KEYSTORE")) storePasswo...

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