Tutorial by Examples: configure

If we have a c++ project that uses a config.h configuration file with some custom paths or variables, we can generate it using CMake and a generic file config.h.in. The config.h.in can be part of a git repository, while the generated file config.h will never be added, as it is generated from the cu...
Eclipse does not give you the possibility to change the font size of the views like 'Project Explorer' or 'Servers', which looks ugly on Linux since Eclipse uses the default (desktop) font size. But you can edit specific configuration files to get the proper font sizes. To fix this annoying font si...
Once you have your UWP application ready for tests you should add test application to your solution. To do it "right" click on the solution and choose "Unit Test App (Universal Windows)": Once you add it to the solution there are few more steps required to configure it. You w...
Our openstack tenant is already set: a virtual lan gives instances private IP a virtual router map public IP to private IP a security key has been generated we have default firewall configuration for ssh and port 80 we are able to launch an instance thanks to the OpenStack web interface ...
GTM simplifies the whole process of managing tags.In GTM terminology We put a GTM javascript snippet on the concerned page,in portal_normal.vm in custom theme in liferay, containing the GTM id and a data layer structure(if needed) to map values from page to variables Corresponding to data layer ...
The following server-side configuration allows CORS request to work along with Windows Authentication (no anonymous must be enabled in IIS). web.config - allow unauthenticated (anonymous) preflight requests (OPTIONS) <system.web> <authentication mode="Windows" /> &l...
Create the Root Certificate The Root Certificate (aka CA File) will be used to sign and identify your certificate. To generate it, run the command below. openssl req -nodes -out ca.pem -new -x509 -keyout ca.key Keep the root certificate and its key carefully, both will be used to sign your cert...
You can configure your Linux (or macOS) system in order to tie in an identifier <hostname> to some other system's IP address in your network. You can configure it: Systemwide. You should modify the /etc/hosts file. You just have to add to that file a new line containing: the remote sys...
You can define the signing configuration to sign the apk in the build.gradle file. You can define: storeFile : the keystore file storePassword: the keystore password keyAlias: a key alias name keyPassword: A key alias password You have to define the signingConfigs block to create a signin...
Any @Component or @Configuration could be marked with @Profile annotation @Configuration @Profile("production") public class ProductionConfiguration { // ... } The same in XML config <beans profile="dev"> <bean id="dataSource" class="&l...
How we can use jenkins in our SalesForce product development. What are the tools plugins are available for Jenkins Integration How to solve CI configuration issue.....etc
How to install TestNG in eclipse Open eclipse Click on Help > Install New software Click Add Provide name & URL - http://beust.com/eclipse Select TestNG Click Next Click Finish It will take some time to install TestNG Once installed then restart eclipse. Lets c...
If you do not see any logging, you can check if Configure() is called in your application. The easiest way is to add it as an attribute to your assembly: [assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(Watch = true)] Then you do not have to add log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.Configure() anywhere in y...

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