Tutorial by Examples: console

The following Codes can be found from Weka course Given iris.arff is loaded in weka, inside Weka Explorer's R console or Weka KnowledgeFlow's R Scripting, you can play with the following codes to make beautiful plots: library(ggplot2) ggplot(rdata, aes(x = petallength)) + geom_density() ...
Module Module1 Sub Main() Debug.WriteLine("This line will be shown in the Visual Studio output console") Console.WriteLine("Press a key to exit") Console.ReadKey() Debug.WriteLine("End of application") End Sub End Modul...
Terminal Commands: rails g model Product name:string quantity:integer price:decimal{12,2} rake db:migrate Lates create controller. Terminal Commands: rails g controller Products Controller Code: class HistoriesController < ApplicationController def create file = Dir.glob(...
This tool lets you produce messages from the command-line. Send simple string messages to a topic: kafka-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic test here is a message here is another message ^D (each new line is a new message, type ctrl+D or ctrl+C to stop) Send messages with...
This tool let's you consume messages from a topic. to use the old consumer implementation, replace --bootstrap-server with --zookeeper. Display simple messages: kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic test Consume old messages: In order to see older messages, you...
public class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("\nWhat is your name? "); var name = Console.ReadLine(); var date = DateTime.Now; Console.WriteLine("\nHello, {0}, on {1:d} at {1:t}", name, date); ...
You can print log message in the terminal using console.log(). To do so, open a new terminal and run following command for Android: react-native log-android or following command if you are using iOS: react-native log-ios You will now start to see all the log message in this terminal
For this example we will use the Live Test RavenDB instance. We will build a simple console app here which demonstrates the most basic operations: Creation Retrieval by Id Querying Updating Deletion Begin by creating a new Visual Studio solution and add a Console Application project to it...
println("Hello Scala.js") // In ES6: console.log("Hello Scala.js");
To allow a bokeh application to be executed like a normal .py file, you need to handle the tornado IOloop in your application, as described here. A standalone bokeh application like this can be used to implement a console script entry point in setup.py. However, this requires bokeh version >= 0....
Using scanf Scanf scans text read from standard input, storing successive space-separated values into successive arguments as determined by the format. It returns the number of items successfully scanned. If that is less than the number of arguments, err will report why. Newlines in the input mus...
A quick way to test your xpath is in your browser developer tool console. Format is $x('//insert xpath here') $ - specifies it is a selector. x - specifies it is using xpaths Example: $x("//button[text() ='Submit']") When this command is entered it will return all occurrences...
Drupal console brings scaffolding to the Drupal ecosystem and makes it easy to generate a content entity. In most instances you will find it easier to work with a custom entity within a custom module. Step 1 : Generate a module vendor/bin/drupal generate:module Follow the prompts and create yo...
var sourceFileName = "NonExistingFile"; try { System.IO.File.Copy(sourceFileName, "DestinationFile"); } catch (Exception e) { var stdErr = Console.Error; stdErr.WriteLine($"Failed to copy '{sourceFileName}': {e.Message}"); }
This is a simple example on how you can automate tests for a console application that interact with standard input and standard output. The tested application read and sum every new line and will provide the result after a single white line is provided. The power shell script write "pass"...

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