Tutorial by Examples: dc

In order to be able to directly deploy web project changes to an Web Server, the following steps must be followed. If target server has Internet access, the process is quite simple, as Microsoft has a Web Platform package to do almost everything that is needed. Cleanup Make sure that C:\Progra...
Fully configuration of Web deployment without Internet connection (offline) is harder to make because Web platform installer (UI) operates by querying packages list and content from an Internet location. Cleanup Make sure that C:\Program Files\IIS does not contain older version of Microsoft We...
Technically, Ruby doesn't have functions, but methods. However, a Ruby method behaves almost identically to functions in other language: def double(n) n * 2 end This normal method/function takes a parameter n, doubles it and returns the value. Now let's define a higher order function (or met...
This example shows multiple producers and consumers sharing the same buffer. Protected entries in Ada implement a queue to handle waiting tasks. The default queuing policy is First In First Out. ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Multiple producers and consumers ...
You can also read and write from/to memory card (SD card) that is present in many Android devices. Files in this location can be accessed by other programs, also directly by the user after connecting device to PC via USB cable and enabling MTP protocol. Finding the SD card location is somewhat more...
class ParentClass { [string] $Message = "Its under the Parent Class" [string] GetMessage() { return ("Message: {0}" -f $this.Message) } } # Bar extends Foo and inherits its members class ChildClass : ParentClass { } $Inherit = [ChildClass...
To run the private registry (securely) you have to generate a self-signed certificate, you can refer to previous example to generate it. For my example I put server.key and server.crt into /root/certs Before run docker command you should be placed (use cd) into the directory that contains certs fo...
Bullet This one particularly blew my mind. The bullet gem helps you kill all the N+1 queries, as well as unnecessarily eager loaded relations. Once you install it and start visiting various routes in development, alert boxes with warnings indicating database queries that need to be optimized will p...
//Set the row "A" height to 15 double rowHeight = 15; worksheet.Row(1).Height = rowHeight; //Set the column 1 width to 50 double columnWidth = 50; worksheet.Column(1).Width = columnWidth; When Bestfit is set to true, the column will grow wider when a user inputs numbers in a ce...
Environment Setup: Download android sdk of API level 17 or more Node.js (https://nodejs.org/) Appium software (http://appium.io/) Selenium jars (http://www.seleniumhq.org/download/) Appium jar (https://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cg%3Aio.appium%20a%3Ajava-client) .apk file of the appl...
CloudCannon offers hosting and a CMS for Jekyll applications. Here are the steps in hosting your Jekyll application on CloudCannon (http://cloudcannon.com). Without version control: Create your blog locally using some local files and jekyll serve Create a CloudCannon account and create a new si...
The PERCENT_RANK function calculates the ranking of a row relative to the row set. The percentage is based on the number of rows in the group that have a lower value than the current row. The first value in the result set always has a percent rank of zero. The value for the highest-ranked – or last...
Example Data Please try to provide a minimal example input data in a format that can be directly used by the answers without tedious and time consuming parsing for example input file or local collection with all code required to create distributed data structures. When applicable always include ty...
An example of a configuration function in SQL is the @@SERVERNAME function. This function provides the name of the local server that's running SQL. SELECT @@SERVERNAME AS 'Server' ServerSQL064 In SQL, most data conversions occur implicitly, without any user intervention. To perform any convers...
The idea is to measure a layout before and after each change and if there is a significant change you can be somewhat certain that its the softkeyboard. // A variable to hold the last content layout hight private int mLastContentHeight = 0; private ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener keyboa...
Built-in forms are great but sometimes there is a need to customize them, adding new fields or simply changing CSS attributes. This example is applicable to several use cases but here it is presented regarding PasswordChangeForm and its use in a Bootstrap website. The solution is to create another...
Ubuntu: $ cat /proc/cpuinfo Sample Output: processor : 0 vendor_id : GenuineIntel cpu family : 6 model : 15 model name : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz stepping : 11 cpu MHz : 1596.000 cache size : 4096 KB physical id : 0 siblings ...
In Python 3.6, PEP 487 added the __init_subclass__ special method, which simplifies and extends class customization without using metaclasses. Consequently, this feature allows for creating simple plugins. Here we demonstrate this feature by modifying a prior example: Python 3.x3.6 class Base: ...
Open Function.cs and replace the class code with the following: public class Function { /// <summary> /// A simple function that takes a birth date and returns Age in years /// </summary> /// <param name="input"></param> /// <returns>Age is years&...
This example is the same as WordCount, but uses the Table API. See WordCount for details about execution and results. Maven To use the Table API, add flink-table as a maven dependency: <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.flink</groupId> <artifactId>flink-table_2.11&...

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