Tutorial by Examples: debugging

n order to debug a remote Java application, it should be launched with some extra arguments to instruct the JVM to execute it in debug mode. This is done as follows: java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8000 -jar sampleApp.jar The above command tells the JVM to s...
Add the following dependencies to your application. compile 'com.facebook.stetho:stetho:1.5.0' compile 'com.facebook.stetho:stetho-okhttp3:1.5.0' In your Application class' onCreate method, call the following. Stetho.initializeWithDefaults(this); When creating your Retrofit instance, crea...
A SIGABRT or an EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION usually means the app crashed itself intentionally because some check failed. These should log a message to the debugger console with more information; check there for more information. Many SIGABRTs are caused by uncaught Objective-C exceptions. There are a lo...
EXC_BAD_ACCESS means the process tried to access memory in an invalid way, like dereferencing a NULL pointer or writing to read-only memory. This is the hardest kind of crash to debug, because it usually does not have an error message, and some crashes can be very difficult to reproduce and/or occu...
Scope testing & output of model <div ng-app="demoApp" ng-controller="mainController as ctrl"> {{$id}} <ul> <li ng-repeat="item in ctrl.items"> {{$id}}<br/> {{item.text}} </li> ...
Usage Sometimes, you could have to debug code in another PhpStorm project, you have to update the configuration. PHP configuration In php.ini, edit file and put xdebug.remote_autostart = 1 PhpStorm configuration You also have to configure your IDE: In the phpStorm configuration, Max. sim...
You can start the remote debugging from Developer menu. After selecting the enable remote debugging it will open Google Chrome, So that you can log the output into your console. You can also write debugger syntax into your js code.
So your query has failed (see MySQLi connect for how we made $conn) $result = $conn->query('SELECT * FROM non_existent_table'); // This query will fail How do we find out what happened? $result is false so that's no help. Thankfully the connect $conn can tell us what MySQL told us about the f...
debug() and debugonce() won't work well in the context of most Shiny debugging. However, browser() statements inserted in critical places can give you a lot of insight into how your Shiny code is (not) working. See also: Debugging using browser() Showcase mode Showcase mode displays your app alo...
Building project dependencies can sometimes be a tedious task. Instead of publishing a package version to NPM and installing the dependency to test the changes, use npm link. npm link creates a symlink so the latest code can be tested in a local environment. This makes testing global tools and proje...
Bashdb is a utility that is similar to gdb, in that you can do things like set breakpoints at a line or at a function, print content of variables, you can restart script execution and more. You can normally install it via your package manager, for example on Fedora: sudo dnf install bashdb Or ...
Try to run your code from the tool bar as shown below : In your code, if you have more than one function then, before running it you should mention the function you want to run with. For example : Alternatively, you can press ctrl + r from your keyboard to run the code. It will save the code f...
Visual Studio (IDE) WPA (performance analyzer) WinDbg (debugger) IDA Pro (disassembler) dotPeek (decompiler for .NET) WinMerge (diff tool) HxD or 010 editor (hex editor) Speedcrunch (calculator) Firefox (browser) Rohitab API monitor (API call monitoring) SOS (a WinDbg extension for .NET)...
The background script is like any other JavaScript code. You can debug it using same tools you debug other JavaScript code in Chrome. To open the Chrome Developer Tools, go to chrome://extensions, and turn on Developer mode: Now you can debug any extension that have a background page or script. ...
You have 2 ways to debug the popup window. Both ways are by using the Chrome DevTools. Option 1: Right click the extension's action button, and choose Inspect popup Option 2: Open the popup window, directly in your browser as a tab. For example, if you extension id is abcdefghijkmnop, and your ...
Printing webview console messages to logcat To handle console messages from web page you can override onConsoleMessage in WebChromeClient: final class ChromeClient extends WebChromeClient { @Override public boolean onConsoleMessage(ConsoleMessage msg) { Log.d( &quot...
Eclipse debugging starts with what is referred to as Agents. The JVM, which runs the complied .class sources has a feature that allows externally libraries (written in either Java or C++) to be injected into the JVM, just about runtime. These external libraries are referred to as Agents and they ha...
docker inspect command can be used to debug the container logs. The stdout and stderr of container can be checked to debug the container, whose location can be obtained using docker inspect. Command : docker inspect <container-id> | grep Source It gives the location of containers stdout an...
With all the requests and assertions going back and forth, it can be cumbersome to debug issues with your SAML claims and assertions. As within SAML a core principle is not needing a direct connection between the IdP and the SP, the user's browser acts as a message carrier between the two. Because ...
Every good IDE provides a GUI for interactively debugging Ruby (and thus Rails) applications where you can add breakpoints, watches, auto pausing on exception and allows you to follow the code execution even step by step, line by line. For example, take a look at one of the best Ruby IDE's, RubyMin...

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