Tutorial by Examples: del

Model With EF Core, data access is performed using a model. A model is made up of entity classes and a derived context that represents a session with the database, allowing you to query and save data. You can generate a model from an existing database, hand code a model to match your database, or ...
You can change the "$" delimiter to any other. The following example: from string import Template class MyOtherTemplate(Template): delimiter = "#" data = dict(id = 1, name = "Ricardo") t = MyOtherTemplate("My name is #name and I have the id: #id&quot...
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_many :comments validates :user, presence: true validates :title, presence: true, length: { in: 6..40 } scope :topic, -> (topic) { joins(:topics).where(topic: topic) } before_save :update_slug after_create :send_wel...
You can load Magento model using the following code: Mage::getModel('modulename/modelname') Example: Mage::getModel('catalog/product') This will load Mage_Catalog_Model_product
To create a new model in your module Add a folder Model in your module root folder and create a file Modelname.php in this folder. for example Rick/Demo/Model/Modelname.php The class name of your model does matter call it like this: <?php class Rick_Demo_Model_Modelname { } make sure y...
Given a file like this: $ cat file hello/how/are/you i am fine You can use /pattern/ to match specific lines: $ sed -n '/hello/p' file hello/how/are/you If the pattern contains slashes itself, you can use another delimiter using \cBREc: $ sed -n '\#hello/how#p' file hello/how/are/you $...
You can call the CEE3DLY service in 24- 31- or 64- bit mode to delay a task to the nearest second. It is CICS save and will only delay the thread. An example: IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. SLEEPYTM. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. ...
Suppose you have two views ViewA and ViewB Instance of ViewB is created inside ViewA, so ViewA can send message to ViewB's instance, but for the reverse to happen we need to implement delegation (so that using delegate ViewB's instance could send message to ViewA) Follow these steps to implement t...
"Fat Model, Skinny Controller" is a very good first step, but it doesn't scale well once your codebase starts to grow. Let's think on the Single Responsibility of models. What is the single responsibility of models? Is it to hold business logic? Is it to hold non-response-related logic? ...
delete_option function is used to delete an option from the options table. This will delete my_custom_option from the options table. <?php delete_option( 'my_custom_option' ); ?>
Files written to with the w command are created/truncated before any commands are run. $ sed 'w created-file' < /dev/null && ls created-file && rm created-file created-file From the standard: Each wfile shall be created before processing begins. Implementations shall suppo...
int x, y; bool ready = false; void init() { x = 2; y = 3; ready = true; } void use() { if (ready) std::cout << x + y; } One thread calls the init() function while another thread (or signal handler) calls the use() function. One might expect that the use() function ...
DATA table-name; INFILE "file-path/file-name.csv" dsd; INPUT Name $ City $ Age; RUN;
Remove delimiter The function humanize($words), takes multiple words separated by underscores and adds spaces for underscores with capitalized each word. echo humanize('mac_donald'); // Prints 'Mac Donald' The function can also replace any declared separator/delimiter. In this case, delimiter w...
There are already implemented forms within Django to change the user password, one example being SetPasswordForm. There aren't, however, forms to modify the user e-mail and I think the following example is important to understand how to use a form correctly. The following example performs the foll...
Go to the repository, e.g.:https://bitbucket.org/username/repo_name/ On the left menu, choose branches Select the branch you want to delete from the branches page Click on ... at the top right of the page, then click Delete branch A confirmation popup will appear, click Confirm
You have already created a plist. This plist will remain same in app. If you want to edit the data in this plist, add new data in plist or remove data from plist, you can't make changes in this file. For this purpose you will have to store your plist in Document Directory. You can edit your plist s...
SampleViewModel.vb 'Import classes related to WPF for simplicity Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel Imports System.ComponentModel Public Class SampleViewModel Inherits DependencyObject 'A class acting as a ViewModel must inherit from DependencyObject 'A simple string p...
If you have more than 1 task to execute repeatedly in different intervals, use this example as a starting point: unsigned long intervals[] = {250,2000}; //this defines the interval for each task in milliseconds unsigned long last[] = {0,0}; //this records the last executed time for each ...
set oDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") oDic.add "USA", "United States of America" oDic.add "UK", "United Kingdom" oDic.add "CAN", "Canada" ' Delete only if Key exists If oDic.Exists("UK") Then oDic.R...

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