Tutorial by Examples: dp

Introduced in iOS 9, all endpoints must adhere to the HTTPS specification. Any endpoints not using SSL will fail with a warning in the console log. To your application it will appear that the internet connection failed. To configure exceptions: Place the following in your Info.plist file: Allow...
JSON_MODIFY function uses JSON text as input parameter, and modifies a value on the specified path using third argument: declare @json nvarchar(4000) = N'{"Id":1,"Name":"Toy Car","Price":34.99}' set @json = JSON_MODIFY(@json, '$.Price', 39.99) print @json -...
Go to the Microsoft link for the OpenXML SDK download. Click the red download button. On the next screen click the box next to OpenXMLSDKToolV25.msi and click next to begin the download. Once the download is complete, launch the OpenXMLSDKToolV25.msi and follow the instructions on the screen. Th...
There are two types of Active Patterns that somewhat differ in usage - Complete and Partial. Complete Active Patterns can be used when you are able to enumerate all the outcomes, like "is a number odd or even?" let (|Odd|Even|) number = if number % 2 = 0 then Even else Odd N...
productFlavors { // Define separate dev and prod product flavors. dev { // dev utilizes minSDKVersion = 21 to allow the Android gradle plugin // to pre-dex each module and produce an APK that can be tested on // Android Lollipop without time c...
The %>% operator can also be used to pipe the dplyr output into ggplot. This creates a unified exploratory data analysis (EDA) pipeline that is easily customizable. This method is faster than doing the aggregations internally in ggplot and has the added benefit of avoiding unnecessary intermediat...
Step 1: First of all follow these two steps to add in app functionality : 1. Add the library using : repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { compile 'com.anjlab.android.iab.v3:library:1.0.+' } 2. Add permission in manifest file. <u...
A good VOD (Video On Demand) service should start with the basics. Lets say you have a directory on your server that is not publicly accessible, yet through some sort of portal or paywall you want to allow users to access your media. var movie = path.resolve('./public/' + req.params.filename); ...
A TabbedPage is similar to a NavigationPage in that it allows for and manages simple navigation between several child Page objects. The difference is that generally speaking, each platform displays some sort of bar at the top or bottom of the screen that displays most, if not all, of the availabl...
Create a new SSDT project Import 3rd party DB Build project to create a dacpac Reference dacpac in other projects
You can add partial mask on the column that will show few characters from te beginning and the end of the string and show mask instead of the characters in the middle: ALTER TABLE Company ALTER COLUMN Phone ADD MASKED WITH (FUNCTION = 'partial(5,"XXXXXXX",2)') In the parameters of th...
When invoking a def, parameters may be assigned explicitly by name. Doing so means they needn't be correctly ordered. For example, define printUs() as: // print out the three arguments in order. def printUs(one: String, two: String, three: String) = println(s"$one, $two, $three") ...
Command Structure is sqlcmd -S yourservername\instancename -d database_name -o outputfilename_withpath -Q "your select query" Switches are as follows -S for servername and instance name -d for source database -o for target outputfile (it will create output file) -Q fo...
index.html <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src *; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' *; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' *"/> ...
Simple The Simple Products type should be used for that generally have a single configuration (one-size-fits-all). This might include items such as: A Box of Crayons, Small (24 Colors) A Box of Crayons, Large (64 Colors) SuperHighTech 26” HD Computer Monitor Barrack Obama Action Figure (6”) ...
This is an actual useful strategy to differentiate member data from parameters... Lets take this example : // Dog Class Example #include <iostream> #include <string> using std::cout; using std::endl; /* * @class Dog * @member name * Dog's name * @function bark * ...
PHPUnit has two assertions to check values of class properties: assertAttributeSame($expected, $actualAttributeName, $actualClassOrObject, $message = '') assertAttributeNotSame($expected, $actualAttributeName, $actualClassOrObject, $message = '') These methods will check the value of a object p...
The onTouchEvents() for nested view groups can be managed by the boolean onInterceptTouchEvent. The default value for the OnInterceptTouchEvent is false. The parent's onTouchEvent is received before the child's. If the OnInterceptTouchEvent returns false, it sends the motion event down the cha...
Go through the steps: Add 'NSAppleMusicUsageDescription' to your Info.plist for the privacy authority. Make sure your music is available in your iPhone. It will not work in the simulator. iOS 10.0.1 import UIKit import AVFoundation import MediaPlayer class ViewController: UIViewControll...
Diamond problem is a common problem occurred in Object Oriented Programming, while using multiple-inheritance. Consider the case where class C, is inherited from class A and class B. Suppose that both class A and class B have a method called foo(). Then when we are calling the method foo(), compil...

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