Tutorial by Examples: du

Description An image maps is an image with clickable areas that usually act as hyperlinks. The image is defined by the <img> tag, and the map is defined by a <map> tag with <area> tags to denote each clickable area. Use the usemap and name attributes to bind the image and the map...
C++14 Those following string user literals are declared in the namespace std::literals::string_literals, where both literals and string_literals are inline namespaces. Access to these operators can be gained with using namespace std::literals, using namespace std::string_literals, and using namespa...
C++14 Those following complex user literals are declared in the namespace std::literals::complex_literals, where both literals and complex_literals are inline namespaces. Access to these operators can be gained with using namespace std::literals, using namespace std::complex_literals, and using nam...
A model represents some data object in an application. For example you can have a model such as: Fruit, Car, Building, etc. in your application. Models are normally used by stores. Here is example how you would define a new model class. e.g. Ext.define('MyApp.model.Person', { extend: 'Ext.data...
class CreateUserAuthentications < ActiveRecord::Migration def change create_table "user_authentications", :force => true do |t| t.integer "user_id" t.integer "authentication_provider_id" t.string "uid&q...
For enabling Proguard configurations for your application you need to enable it in your module-level gradle file. You need to set the value of minifyEnabled to true. buildTypes { release { minifyEnabled true proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.t...
Remember to npm install all the files into devDependencies first. E.g. npm install --save-dev gulp gulp-concat gulp-rename gulp-uglify gulp-uglifycss Gulpfile.js var gulp = require('gulp'); var gulp_concat = require('gulp-concat'); var gulp_rename = require('gulp-rename'); var gulp_uglify = ...
To create a parallel collection from a sequential collection, call the par method. To create a sequential collection from a parallel collection, call the seq method. This example shows how you turn a regular Vector into a ParVector, and then back again: scala> val vect = (1 to 5).toVector vect:...
PyPar is a library that uses the message passing interface (MPI) to provide parallelism in Python. A simple example in PyPar (as seen at https://github.com/daleroberts/pypar) looks like this: import pypar as pp ncpus = pp.size() rank = pp.rank() node = pp.get_processor_name() print 'I am r...
return flag ? "yes" : "no"; String cmp = (flag1 != flag2) ? "not equal" : "equal"; // Don't do this return (flag ? "yes" : "no"); Redundant grouping parentheses (i.e. parentheses that does not affect evaluation) may be used if t...
Highcharts.setOptions({ lang: { loading: 'Wordt geladen...', months: ['januari', 'februari', 'maart', 'april', 'mei', 'juni', 'juli', 'augustus', 'september', 'oktober', 'november', 'december'], weekdays: ['zondag', 'maandag', 'dinsdag', 'woensdag', 'donde...
Add-ons: Firefox add-ons are generally grouped into Extensions, and then "other types" of Firefox add-ons. Extensions Extensions allow Firefox to be customized by adding to or modifying the functionality of Firefox. Some of the types of things which can be done with extensions include:...
Note: This example is based on the Oracle JVM implementation. Built-in tools like jmap, jconsole, and jvisualvm are available in a JDK and can be used to generate and analyze heap memory dumps taken from a running JVM application. However, one option to generate a heap dump without using JDK tools ...
Window functions are used to do operations(generally aggregation) on a set of rows collectively called as window. Window functions work in Spark 1.4 or later. Window functions provides more operations then the built-in functions or UDFs, such as substr or round (extensively used before Spark 1.4). W...
The Common Language Runtime (CLR) is a virtual machine environment and part of the .NET Framework. It contains: A portable bytecode language called Common Intermediate Language (abbreviated CIL, or IL) A Just-In-Time compiler that generates machine code A tracing garbage collector that provides...
You're going to have to import Image from the react-native package like so then use it: import { Image } from 'react'; <Image source={{uri: 'https://image-souce.com/awesomeImage'}} /> You can also use a local image with a slightly different syntax but same logic like so: import { Image...
Magento custom module development is a core part of any Magento development or Magento project, because at any stage you may want to integrate your own functionality/module in your existing Magento project. The first thing developers should disable is the system cache. Otherwise developing will bec...
When using Access you can retrieve data using queries. These queries are built using Structured Query Language (SQL). Understanding SQL is important because it can help build better, more useful queries. When creating queries in Access, you can switch to "SQL View". An example of a "...
The BOM (Browser Object Model) contains objects that represent the current browser window and components; objects that model things like history, device's screen, etc The topmost object in BOM is the window object, which represents the current browser window or tab. Document: represents current...
An awk consists of patterns and actions, enclosed in curly brackets, to be taken if a pattern matches. The most basic pattern is the empty pattern, which matches any record. The most basic action is the empty action, which is equivalent to { print }, which is, in turn, equivalent to { print $0 }. If...

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