PyPar is a library that uses the message passing interface (MPI) to provide parallelism in Python. A simple example in PyPar (as seen at looks like this:
import pypar as pp
ncpus = pp.size()
rank = pp.rank()
node = pp.get_processor_name()
print 'I am rank %d of %d on node %s' % (rank, ncpus, node)
if rank == 0:
msh = 'P0'
pp.send(msg, destination=1)
msg = pp.receive(source=rank-1)
print 'Processor 0 received message "%s" from rank %d' % (msg, rank-1)
source = rank-1
destination = (rank+1) % ncpus
msg = pp.receive(source)
msg = msg + 'P' + str(rank)
pypar.send(msg, destination)