Tutorial by Examples: ect

On a desktop version of Chrome, the contents of the page can be inspected. This shows the document object model (DOM) of the HTML, the Cascading Style Sheet styles (CSS), and much more. Enter inspection by one of many options: Right click on a web page, and select Inspect From the Chrome Menu, ...
$ProductCollection=Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection(); Selecting the specific Attribute $ProductCollection->addAttributeToSelect(array('name', 'product_url', 'small_image')); Selecting the All Attribute $ProductCollection->addAttributeToSelect('*'); Add Filter on ...
// get product collection object $productCollection = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product_collection'); // get customer collection object $customerCollection = Mage::getResourceModel('customer/customer_collection'); // get order collection object $orderCollection = M...
We use runEffect to run our Pipe: main :: IO () main = do runEffect $ naturalsUntil 10 >-> intToStr >-> fancyPrint Note that runEffect requires an Effect, which is a self-contained Proxy with no inputs or outputs: runEffect :: Monad m => Effect m r -> m r type Effect = Pr...
Use >-> to connect Producers, Consumers and Pipes to compose larger Pipe functions. printNaturals :: MonadIO m => Effect m () printNaturals = naturalsUntil 10 >-> intToStr >-> fancyPrint Producer, Consumer, Pipe, and Effect types are all defined in terms of the general Prox...
For the current shell, this takes you to the previous directory that you were in, no matter where it was. cd - Doing it multiple times effectively "toggles" you being in the current directory or the previous one.
The default directory is the home directory ($HOME, typically /home/username), so cd without any directory takes you there cd Or you could be more explicit: cd $HOME A shortcut for the home directory is ~, so that could be used as well. cd ~
To change to an absolutely specified directory, use the entire name, starting with a backslash \, thus: cd /home/username/project/abc If you want to change to a directory near your current on, you can specify a relative location. For example, if you are already in /home/username/project, you can...
Sometimes a build combines multiple source directories, each of which is their own 'project'. For instance, you might have a build structure like this: projectName/ build.sbt project/ src/ main/ ... test/ ... core/ src/ main/ ... test/ ... webapp/ src/ main/ ... test/ ... In t...
WPF Inspector is a utility that attaches to a running WPF application to troubleshoot common problems with layouting, databinding or styling. WPF Inspector allows you to explore a live view of the logical- and visual tree, read and edit property values of elements, watch the data context, debug trig...
Define parameters private static IMongoClient _client; private static IMongoDatabase _database; private static IMongoCollection< -collection class name- > _collection; Assign values to parameters _client = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017"); _database = _client.GetD...
Its common for datatables to have a checkbox to select multiple rows. If the data is spread across multiple pages, it could be difficult for the user to view the records he selected. To enable the user view all the selected records in one go, we usually use a hyperlink that when clicked displays onl...
CIM/WMI is most commonly used to query information or configuration on a device. Thof a class that represents a configuration, process, user etc. In PowerShell there are multiple ways to access these classes and instances, but the most common ways are by using the Get-CimInstance (CIM) or Get-WmiObj...
What can happen in your config file is having a path to a variable that goes through multiple sections. Example Config admins: first-tier: "Kerooker" second-tier: "Mordekaiser" third-tier: "Yesh4" The name "Kerooker" is from section "first-tier...
Instead of getting a reference to the DOM you can simply change the index of the tab using the selectedIndex attribute on the ion-tabs HTML: <ion-tabs [selectedIndex]="tabIndex" class="tabs-icon-text" primary > <ion-tab tabIcon="list-box" [root]=&qu...
Even if the result type of the query isn’t an entity type, if the result contains entity types they will still be tracked by default Example : In the following query, which returns an anonymous type, the instances of Book in the result set will be tracked using (var context = new BookC...
By default Controllers, ViewComponents and TagHelpers aren't registered and resolved via the dependency injection container. This results in the inability to do i.e. property injection when using a 3rd party Inversion of Control (IoC) container like AutoFac. In order to make ASP.NET Core MVC resolv...
C++ #include "opencv2/objdetect/objdetect.hpp" #include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp" #include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp" #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> using namespace std; using namespace cv; // Function Headers void detectAndDisp...
There is a useful package in Python - chardet, which helps to detect the encoding used in your file. Actually there is no program that can say with 100% confidence which encoding was used - that's why chardet gives the encoding with the highest probability the file was encoded with. Chardet can dete...
Animation to show how selection sort works Below example shows selection sort in ascending order: public class MySelectionSort { public static int[] doSelectionSort(int[] arr){ for (int i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++) { int index = i; ...

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