Tutorial by Examples: ect

Selection of a Version Control System Of course many organisations or projects already have a preferred or selected version control system if this is the case for you just skip to client installation. There are a number of things to consider when selecting the version control system to use, given ...
The following example creates a Gui with a single button wich brings the SelectFile dialog box. Gui, Loader: New Gui, Loader: Add, Button, Default Center w220 vLOAD, LOAD Gui, Loader: Show, AutoSize Center, Loader return LoaderButtonLOAD: FileSelectFile, LoadedFile, , , , if ErrorLevel...
You monitor the cached objects to see how often they expire and if they are "nuked". n_expired - Number of expired objects. n_lru_nuked - Last recently used nuked objects. Number of objects nuked (removed) from the cache because of lack of space. varnishstat -1 | grep "n_expire...
project('Vala Project') glib_dep = dependency('glib-2.0') gobject_dep = dependency('gobject-2.0') executable('foo', 'foo.vala', dependencies: [glib_dep, gobject_dep]) Note: both glib-2.0 and gobject-2.0 dependencies are required unless --nostdpkg is explicitly given.
project('Posix-based Project', 'vala') add_project_arguments(['--nostdpkg'], language: 'vala') posix_dep = meson.get_compiler('vala').find_library('posix') executable('foo', 'foo.vala', dependencies: [posix_dep])
public class Foo : Object { public string prop { construct; get; } } It is meant for interospectable API using GObject Introspection. This is the recommended way for declaring classes.
import javax.inject.Singleton; import dagger.Module; import dagger.Provides; @Module public class VehicleModule { @Provides @Singleton Motor provideMotor(){ return new Motor(); } @Provides @Singleton Vehicle provideVehicle(){ return new Vehicle(...
Now that you have the providers for your different models, you need to request them. Just as Vehicle needs Motor, you have to add the @Inject annotation in the Vehicle constructor as follows: @Inject public Vehicle(Motor motor){ this.motor = motor; } You can use the @Inject annotation to ...
The connection between the provider of dependencies, @Module, and the classes requesting them through @Inject is made using @Component, which is an interface: import javax.inject.Singleton; import dagger.Component; @Singleton @Component(modules = {VehicleModule.class}) public interface Vehicl...
Now that you have every connection ready, you have to obtain an instance of this interface and invoke its methods to obtain the object you need: VehicleComponent component = Dagger_VehicleComponent.builder().vehicleModule(new VehicleModule()).build(); vehicle = component.provideVehicle(); Toast.m...
Objective-C example of swizzling UIView's initWithFrame: method static IMP original_initWithFrame; + (void)swizzleMethods { static BOOL swizzled = NO; if (!swizzled) { swizzled = YES; Method initWithFrameMethod = class_getInstanceMethod([UIView class], ...
To add additional restriction to the poReceiptLinesSelection data view, you should invoke Select method on base view and inspect each item in returned PXResultSet independently to decide if it complies with additional restriction(s): public class APInvoiceEntryExt : PXGraphExtension<APInvoiceEn...
Assume we need to add an NSString object to SomeClass (we cant subclass). In this example we not only create an associated object but also wrap it in a computed property in a category for extra neatness #import <objc/runtime.h> @interface SomeClass (MyCategory) // This is the property wr...
This example echoes the special character ! into a file. This would only work when DelayedExpansion is disabled. When delayed expansion in enabled, you will need to use three carets and an exclamation mark like this: @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion echo ^^^!>file echo ^>>&...
Selection sort is noted for its simplicity. It starts with the first element in the array, saving it's value as a minimum value (or maximum, depending on sorting order). It then itterates through the array, and replaces the min value with any other value lesser then min it finds on the way. That min...
g + geom_bar(mapping = aes(x = cut, fill = clarity), position = "dodge") + theme(axis.text = element_text(colour = "red", size = 12))
See Ellie for a working example. This example uses the NoRedInk/elm-decode-pipeline module. Given a list of JSON objects, which themselves contain lists of JSON objects: [ { "id": 0, "name": "Item 1", "transactions": [ { "id&quo...
An Albers projection, or more properly, an Albers equal area conic projection, is a common conical projection and an official projeciton of a number of jurisdictions and organizations such as the US census bureau and the province of British Columbia in Canada. It preserves area at the expense of oth...
We'll assume you're doing this in Visual Studio 2015 (VS 2015 Community, in my case). Create an empty Console project in VS. In Project | Properties change the Output Type to Windows Application. Next, use NuGet to add FsXaml.Wpf to the project; this package was created by the estimable Reed Cop...
ng new NewProject or ng init NewProject

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