Selection sort is noted for its simplicity. It starts with the first element in the array, saving it's value as a minimum value (or maximum, depending on sorting order). It then itterates through the array, and replaces the min value with any other value lesser then min it finds on the way. That min value is then placed at the leftmost part of the array and the process is repeated, from the next index, until the end of the array. Selection sort has complexity of O(n2) but it is considered slower than it's counterpart - Selection sort.
func selectionSort() -> Array<Element> {
//check for trivial case
guard self.count > 1 else {
return self
//mutated copy
var output: Array<Element> = self
for primaryindex in 0..<output.count {
var minimum = primaryindex
var secondaryindex = primaryindex + 1
while secondaryindex < output.count {
//store lowest value as minimum
if output[minimum] > output[secondaryindex] {
minimum = secondaryindex
secondaryindex += 1
//swap minimum value with array iteration
if primaryindex != minimum {
swap(&output[primaryindex], &output[minimum])
return output