Tutorial by Examples: ect

In office OpenXML, a picture that is inserted into a word document is considered a "Blip" Object or element. The class is derived from the DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing the Blip must have an Embed value that is an imagePart ID. The Blip object then goes inside a BlipFill Object/element, a...
Now that you have a collection of all the shape references in the document. Loop through the collection with a foreach, and through each iteration create a Blip object. Set the Blip object embed value to the picture ID reference you captured earlier from the image part. Also create a Stretch object...
/// <summary> /// Post Method with Input/ data to post in JSON format Or you can send dictionary as shown in previous methods /// </summary> /// <returns> Json formated data </returns> public void GetJsonData4() { IOperations _Obj = ClsOpera...
ng-inspect is a light weight Chrome extension for debugging AngularJS applications. When a node is selected from the elements panel, the scope related info is displayed in the ng-inspect panel. Exposes few global variables for quick access of scope/isolateScope. $s -- scope of the select...
You can mount remote directory through ssh by using sshfs. Sshfs does not come as a default on Ubuntu, so you need to install it first by using sudo apt-get install sshfs. You can then mount the remote directory to your local machine like this sshfs [email protected]:/remotedir /localdir Not...
The method of SQL generation from BQL PXSelectGroupBy<> data views has been changed in Acumatica Framework 5.2. The sections below illustrate the differences using the example of PXSelectGroupBy<FinYear, Aggregate<GroupBy<FinYear.finPeriods>>>.Select(graph): Acumatica Frame...
The most restrictive scope is "object-private" scope, which only allows that value to be accessed from the same instance of the object. class FooClass { private[this] val x = "foo" def aFoo(otherFoo: FooClass) = { otherFoo.x // <- This will not compile, accessing x...
The protected scope allows the value to be accessed from any subclasses of the current class. class FooClass { protected val x = "foo" } class BarClass extends FooClass { val y = x // It is a subclass instance, will compile } class ClassB { val f = new FooClass f.x // <...
The package protected scope allows the value to be accessed only from any subclass in a specific package. package com.example { class FooClass { protected[example] val x = "foo" } class ClassB extends FooClass { val y = x // It's in the protected scope, will compile ...
The following Less .paragraph{ font-size: 12px; color: darkgrey; background: white; } .special-paragraph{ font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold; color: black; } .parent{ background: lightgrey; .nestedParagraph{ &:extend(.paragraph); &:extend(.special-p...
You may also extend nested selectors. The below Less .otherChild{ color: blue; } .otherParent{ color: red; .otherChild{ font-size: 12px; color: green; } } .parent{ .nestedParagraph{ &:extend(.otherParent .otherChild); } } Will compile to .otherChild...
Using a Pool Most code will want to connect to Redis using a pool of shared connection objects. Connecting to Redis using a pool involves two different code block. At initialization time, your application needs to create the connection pool: JedisPoolConfig poolCfg = new JedisPoolConfig(); ...
To add a directive with a selector [prefix]Highlight, run: $ ng g d highlight installing directive create src/app/highlight.directive.spec.ts create src/app/highlight.directive.ts update src/app/app.module.ts To prevent prefix usage add --prefix false or -p false flag ...
First Select Or Create a database. > use mydb switched to db mydb Using db.createCollection("yourCollectionName") method you can explicitly create Collection. > db.createCollection("newCollection1") { "ok" : 1 } Using show collections command see all col...
MongoDB's db.collection.drop() is used to drop a collection from the database. First, check the available collections into your database mydb. > use mydb switched to db mydb > show collections newCollection1 newCollection2 newCollection3 system.indexes Now drop the collection with...
Ajax calls, request and retrieve data for giving the user a sense of a better interactive user interface experience. This article will show you how to use jQuery and send data through Ajax calls. For this example, we’re going to POST the following JavaScript object to our server. var post = { ...
MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/myNewDB',function (err,db) { if(err) console.log("Unable to connect DB. Error: " + err) else console.log('Connected to DB'); db.close(); }); myNewDB is DB name, if it does not exists in database then it...
The basic syntax of find() method with projection is as follows > db.COLLECTION_NAME.find({},{KEY:1}); If you want to show all documents without the age field then the command is as follows db.people.find({},{age : 0}); If you want to show all documents the age field then the command is a...
In MongoDB, projection means selecting only the necessary data rather than selecting whole of the data of a document. The basic syntax of find() method with projection is as follows > db.COLLECTION_NAME.find({},{KEY:1}); If you want to to show all document without the age field then the comm...
# General syntax: # grep(<pattern>, <character vector>) mystring <- c('The number 5', 'The number 8', '1 is the loneliest number', 'Company, 3 is', 'Git SSH tag is [email protected]', 'My personal site is w...

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